Hunters Beach,Acadia National Park,ME [Forest Pictures & Pictures of Trees]
Uploaded: May 09, 2012 02:32:53
Exif: F Number: 5, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 10/1000 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 100, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 18.00 mm, Model: NIKON D200
Carolyn M. Fletcher
May 09, 2012
Kevin P. Kreischer May 09, 2012
Fantastic Doug, perfect! #10130396
Tammy M. Anderson
May 09, 2012
Laura E. Swan
May 09, 2012
Great job and place, Doug!
-Laura :D #10130402
R. J. Laudenbacher
May 09, 2012
frank w. degenhardt May 09, 2012
Oh wow my friend. This is abdolutly gorgeous. The composition, the colors, the mood, the fog. I love all the pebbles. This should be bring beauty to any place it hangs. Exceptional my friend. #10130442Debbie Bray May 09, 2012
Just superb, Doug! A real beauty! #10130445Jack Gaskin May 09, 2012
THE PERFECT MAINE SEASHOREAlmost had the wife talked into a June visit for our 35th. She's balking at the 9 hr drive for an extended weekend.
Jack #10130448
Monnie Ryan May 09, 2012
Gorgeous! #10130581
Mary Beth Aiello
May 09, 2012
John Connolly May 09, 2012
I am impressed with the mood generated by the mist in this image Doug! A beautiful scene and capture! #10131062
Terry Cervi
May 09, 2012
David Phalen May 09, 2012
Absolutely beautiful!! Love the clear foreground shapes and tones fading into the mist!! #10131391
Heather Loewenhardt
May 09, 2012
Inge Linden May 10, 2012
Excellent capture! #10132191Liz blahh May 10, 2012
Beautifully captured! #10133131Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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