Art Class
Uploaded: April 09, 2012 18:47:48
Exif: F Number: 5.6, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 10/1250 seconds, Flash: fired, auto mode, return light detected, ISO: 100, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 200.00 mm, Model: NIKON D60
JudyAnn Rector September 27, 2012
Excellent candid, Beatriz... great color and comp. #1488842Beatriz Rocha September 27, 2012
Thank you JudyAnn; I really appreciate it!Nancy Marie Ricketts October 28, 2012
I remember this one! Congratulations on your Finalist badge, and good luck in the final round! #10388971Beatriz Rocha October 29, 2012
Thanks so much Marie! #10389377Beatriz Rocha October 29, 2012
Thanks so much Marie! #10389378Kimber Wallwork-Heineman October 29, 2012
I just knew I would see this one again. Congratulations #10390937Beatriz Rocha October 29, 2012
Thank you Kimber! #10391014Nikki McDonald October 29, 2012
Delightful and perfect for the MT Education, Beatriz. Congratulations on the finalist. #10392355Beatriz Rocha October 29, 2012
Thank you so much Nikki! #10392466Anita Hogue October 30, 2012
A fabulous capture! Congratulations on your winner, Beatriz! #10395227Beatriz Rocha October 30, 2012
Thank you Anita! It brightened my Sandy aftermath. #10395790Rona L. Schwarz October 30, 2012
I remember this, Beatriz! Wonderful candid and perfect image for the MT! HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on this well-deserved Gold Winner! #10396243Priscilla J. Burgers October 30, 2012
Congratulations, Beatriz. Love this capture! #10396345Beatriz Rocha October 31, 2012
Thank so much Rona and Priscilla! #10396923Nancy Marie Ricketts October 31, 2012
Congratulations on your GOLD win! #10397802JudyAnn Rector October 31, 2012
Oh, Beatriz, I am SO thrilled you won... I loved your image the moment I saw it! CONGRATULATIONS!! #10397979Beatriz Rocha October 31, 2012
Christine, Marie and JudyAnn thank you for your kind words! #10398451JO ANN CLEVELAND November 06, 2012
Congratulations on this awesome Gold, 2nd Place Win Beatriz ... great clarity and perspective!jo ann c. #10407245
Beatriz Rocha November 06, 2012
Thank you so much Jo Ann! #10407353Merna L. Nobile November 13, 2012
Receiving an award from Better Photo is just like unwrapping a gift, the thrill is always the same! It is also exciting to be able to send my personal congratulations to each and every one of you and I look forward to seeing the gold though out the galleries. Merna
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