Two little tigers

Uploaded: April 06, 2012 14:45:26


Happy Easter to everybody - hope you're all keeping the Chocolate Factories in business, don't forget - chocolate lowers your cholesterol, curves your hips and generally gives you a sense of well being! :)

Exif: F Number: 2.8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/1000 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 320, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 100.00 mm, Model: DSLR-A850


Terry Cervi level-deluxe April 06, 2012

Superb dof and detail in these pretty flowers, Debbie! Happy Easter to you too! I don't need my hips any more curved but despite that, I will enjoy my orange chocolate for Easter! LOL! #1454865

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe April 06, 2012

Great dof, color and capture - Happy Easter Debbie! #10078605

Carol L. Fowler April 06, 2012

Beautiful capture! Have a great Easter #10078609

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe April 06, 2012

Happy Easter and great advice. Beautiful flowers, details and comp. Debbie. #10078633

Patrick Rouzes level-classic April 06, 2012

Super lovely capture of those tiny little flowers, Debbie! A masterful & beautiful job, my friend! WTG! #10078653

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic April 06, 2012

Beautiful flowers. Hope you have a fantastic Easter. #10078656

Carol Eade level-classic April 06, 2012

This is just so pretty, Debbie, Happy Easter to you, too! #10078686

Neal D. Hatcher April 06, 2012

BEAUTIMUS #10078785

Heather Loewenhardt level-classic April 06, 2012

Beautiful colours and perfect DOF. #10078986

Antonio Amen April 07, 2012

Lovely photo flower.
Abot the shopping the photo was taken before open, earlly in the morning. #10079173

Inge Linden April 07, 2012

wonderful floral capture!! #10079181

Mike Clime April 07, 2012

Cool flowers, Debbie! Excellent vertical comp and dof! #10079269

Stephen Zacker April 07, 2012

Like the simplicity.. Very Pretty Cadburys it is! :-) #10079482

Anthony G. Comella April 07, 2012

Super beautiful!!! #10080063

Louisa Hancock April 10, 2012

My hips are curvy enough too but did have a great easter and missed all your new pics going up and I love this one with its nice subtle colours and DOF #10083388

Val Feldman level-classic April 10, 2012

Excellent dof and color on this pretty duo! Do you know what they are, Deb? They're beautiful - I'd love a whole yard of them! Excellent work! #10084751

Emile Abbott level-classic April 10, 2012

Lovely twins Debbie. Still on the road but had a moment of internet. #10084789

John Connolly April 14, 2012

Wonderful detail and color in this well lit floral scene Debbie! I don't know how I missed this one! #10090793

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