Owls Head Lighthouse [America Pictures New England Pictures]
Uploaded: March 25, 2012 05:54:34
At the entrance to the harbor in Rockland, Maine...built in 1852 and still an active aid to navigation.
Tammy M. Anderson
March 25, 2012
MELODIE C. ROBERTS March 25, 2012
Sensational Capture JackFabulous Perspective!! #10053230
Julie Burnett March 25, 2012
Wonderful color, and love your pov, Jack!! #10053291Jean-Pierre Ducondi March 25, 2012
Beautiful composition and leading lines Jack. Well done.Jack Gaskin March 25, 2012
Nice lines w/the steps leading to the light. Looks like a nice hike up there??? Great Colors and a really nice sky for the capture.Jack #10053334
Marilyn Cornwell March 25, 2012
Jack - your portfolio presentation is revamped since I was last in! Love it! This is a great image with the leading lines! #10053335
Patrick Rouzes
March 25, 2012
Gord MacEachern March 25, 2012
Love your POV on this fantastic image Jack, wonderful capture!! #10053457Joy Rector March 25, 2012
beautiful shot #10053486
Kay E. Mahoney
March 25, 2012
John Connolly March 25, 2012
Stairs seem to be synonymous with lighthouses Jack! Another fine lighthouse image! #10053701
Kim Lund
March 25, 2012
JO ANN CLEVELAND March 25, 2012
Beautiful composition, colors and clarity Jack, love it!joann c. #10053829
Carol Eade
March 25, 2012
Carol L. Fowler March 25, 2012
Beautiful lighthouse from your series. The POV is perfect to show its height. #10053956
Nancy L. Green
March 26, 2012
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