Swirling Greens

Uploaded: March 09, 2012 19:56:01


Exif: F Number: 4.5, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/500 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 400, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 100.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 40D


Robert R. Goodman March 09, 2012

Hi Mary,Seems to be the color for the month my friend.Beautiful capture,so nice to see a post from you!!!! #1448631

Gord MacEachern March 10, 2012

MMmmmm Sure got my attention now Mary!!
Beautiful seasonal image here, the colors and the detail are fantastic!! #10031472

Neal D. Hatcher March 10, 2012

Fantastic-Is that cake icing? #10031512

Tiia Vissak March 10, 2012

a cool close-up! #10031546

Heather Loewenhardt level-classic March 10, 2012

Your food photography is always so yummy looking. Great shot of green. #10031935

JudyAnn Rector level-classic March 10, 2012

Oh, YUM, Mary... love it! #10032033

Ellen Hodges March 12, 2012

Love the colors and the swirls, Mary!!! #10035378

Mary Dimitriw level-classic March 17, 2012

Thanks; Bobby, Gord, Neal, Tiia, Heather, JudyAnn and Ellen! #10041475

Debbie Bray March 17, 2012

Yummy yummy, Mary, are they little clovers on your icing?? (Did you make these? I'm a cupcake maker too!) #10042135

Heather Loewenhardt level-classic March 23, 2012

Love the angles of the swirls in this cupcake. #10051445


Let me be the first....

Congratulations on your wonderful finalist Mary!

jo ann c. #10116947

Ellen Hodges May 02, 2012

Huge congrats and very best luck with this beauty, Mary!!! #10117668

Debbie Bray May 02, 2012

Big congrats on this Mary, I'm happy to revisit it!! :) #10117857

Robert R. Goodman May 02, 2012

A big Congratulations on this beautiful finalist,Mary!!! #10118089

Heather Loewenhardt level-classic May 02, 2012

Congratulations on this gorgeous finalist Mary. Good luck. #10118145

Carla Capra Anderson May 02, 2012

Oh my, beautiful and yummy looking, too.
Congratulations. #10118430

Val Feldman level-classic May 02, 2012

Val: My sweet tooth thanks you - and that's about as close as it's gonna get to a tasty looking macro of a gorgeous cupcake with swirls of green frosting and green sprinkles on top...Sweet Tooth: Awww...why not give in to temptation - no green iced cupcake handy but how about a Twinkie from the pantry???? :) Sweet Tooth won.... :) :) Congratulations on a super Finalist, Ms. Mary! #10120027

Mary Dimitriw level-classic May 03, 2012

Thanks; Debbie, Heather, Jo Ann, Bobby, Ellen, Carla and Val!

Val, this sweet tooth always wins out too!!

Neal D. Hatcher May 04, 2012

Congratulations #10122299

Patrick Rouzes level-classic May 04, 2012

Yummy! Missed this, Nary! Congratulations! #10122416

Merna L. Nobile May 11, 2012

Well here we are, through thick and thin. It is a joy to be able to be supportive and to congratulate each other for another month of magnificent photographs during May, 2012. I send all of you my very best, Merna Nobile

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BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest Finalist

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