Clouds and Confusion [Love & Companionship]
Uploaded: March 07, 2012 03:54:30
Normally we equate clouds with confusion as in "My head is filled with clouds!"
This might be Nature's way of illustrating that abstraction. It was shot while standing at the very base of the Comcast Center--the tallest building in Philadelphia. The soaring building has a glass facade that is ever changing. I've seen it looking sleek in shades of charcoal grey, or cobalt blue as it mirrors its surroundings in myriad ways.
In mid-afternoon on this late February Day, there was almost no distinguishing the brilliant natural "cloud show" from the Comcast walls.
It was a DIZZYING confusion of absolute endless beauty from where I stood.
Exif: F Number: 5, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/2000 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 320, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 18.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 7D
Karen E. Michaels
March 07, 2012
Gord MacEachern March 07, 2012
A winner in my book Michelle, hope we see this beauty again!! #10026536
Ken Smith
March 07, 2012
Carolyn M. Fletcher
March 07, 2012
MELODIE C. ROBERTS March 07, 2012
I'm with Fletch!
Jeff Robinson
March 07, 2012
Jack Gaskin March 07, 2012
DITTO Jeff's commentsJack #10026619
Michelle Alton March 07, 2012
No Jack. Relatively speaking, my meager 63 inches doesn't amount to a "hill of beans at the foot of this building!" Stood upright with my neck like a crane operator's! #10026626Tiia Vissak March 07, 2012
great tones, reflections & angle! #10026629Mary Timman March 07, 2012
Fabulous perspective and reflections! #10026662Gary Enloe March 07, 2012
Great capture Michelle. Love your POV #10026713Daniella Puente March 07, 2012
Cool perspective and details Michelle! #10026783
Linda D. Lester
March 07, 2012
Monnie Ryan March 07, 2012
Awesome to me, too - I almost got dizzy just looking at it! #10026879Linda M. Walker March 07, 2012
Excellent the POV and the reflections! #10027069
Marilyn K. Lincecum
March 07, 2012
Ann Coates
March 07, 2012
Mike Clime March 07, 2012
Wow, this is so cool and a terrific pov, Michelle! It's like a skyscraper to heaven! PS - used the dark night filter on today's post. #10027382
Terry Cervi
March 07, 2012
Claudia Kuhn
March 07, 2012
Renee Doyle March 07, 2012
This is awesome Michelle!!!!!! Love this one! #10027895Rona L. Schwarz March 07, 2012
Marvelous, marvelous capture, Michelle - I like this a lot! Terrific perspective, wonderful lines and great abstract quality. A favorite - hope we see this again! #10027934Neal D. Hatcher March 08, 2012
Fantastic-Awesome-BEAUTIFUL-Favorite #10028450
Barbara Budzinski
March 08, 2012
Nikki McDonald
March 08, 2012
Marijana Fajgl March 08, 2012
Outstanding capture, Michelle! A winner! #10029173Sharon Sawyer March 08, 2012
Absolutely brilliant, Michelle!!! LOVE IT! One of my favorites and hopefully a winner!!! #10029684
Heather Loewenhardt
March 10, 2012
Glenn E. Traver March 10, 2012
This is a wonderful composition Michelle, well seen and photographed ~ GT #10032376
Songbird Cline
March 11, 2012
Ellen Hodges March 13, 2012
Strictly fabulous, Michelle!! Huge gorgeous WOW!! #10036510Stephen Zacker March 20, 2012
That is Awesome. Cool perspective and reflections #10046562Karen Walzer April 13, 2012
Amazing shot Michelle! #10088459Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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