Uploaded: February 15, 2012 17:13:55
Although less than 8 % of the original tropical forest in the Philippines is remaining in 2002, it is still possible to visit some tropical forests in the Philippines such as in Palawan. Despite the efforts of the government, the policy and measures to have a controlled cutting of trees, there are still illegal logging activities. Only on the island of Palawan the government succeeded to halt illegal and large-scale logging. fr: website ~ the Philippines
Exif: F Number: 6.3, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/60 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 100, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 9.30 mm, Model: DMC-LX3
Tammy M. Anderson
February 15, 2012
Tiia Vissak February 16, 2012
a great view! #9984969
isabel C. Zepeda
February 16, 2012
Very nice view of that wonderful place,great clarity
It bring memories of my country,i enjoying your pictures #9985821
Carol L. Fowler February 16, 2012
Beautiful capture- love to see some rain forest still #9986134Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna February 16, 2012
This is VERY beautiful, Reynaldo! :-) k #9986287
Heather Loewenhardt
February 17, 2012
Val Feldman
February 17, 2012
John Connolly February 17, 2012
I am always saddened to see the loss of trees, Reynaldo! This is a beautiful scene, lets hope sanity may return one day! #9987735Mary K. Robison February 17, 2012
It's bittersweet to see such natural beauty, and then read about how little of it is left, because of Man's destructive greed.Have an enjoyable weekend!
Laura E. Swan
February 17, 2012
Excellent job and reporting.
-Laura #9988109
Reynaldo D. Reyes
February 17, 2012
Robert R. Goodman February 18, 2012
Hi Reynaldo,Beautiful capture.Sure wish it was that green here.Very sad to hear of the loss of forest!!!! #9989219
Nancy L. Green
February 18, 2012
Ellen Hodges February 19, 2012
Gorgeous capture, but a sad story seen all over the world. Can't see why if they need to cut wood, the companies don't replant trees. Seem like that would help somewhat. #9991000Lorna Shutter February 20, 2012
It is very sad that so little of the original rainforest remains in the Philippines, ... but it's not surprising considering man's blatant disregard for conservation and the preservation of Earth's natural beauty. This is a difficult lesson to learn, but today we are finally taking steps through reduction, recycling and saving energy through various means. Hopefully it is not "too little, too late". You captured the majestic serenity of this island with beauty to fill the senses! Excellent colour, clarity and detail ... and like Mary said ... the mushrooms really give this image perspective! Ha! Ha! Fantastic image, work and info, Reynaldo! :) #9991914
Laura E. Swan
February 20, 2012
Reynaldo D. Reyes
February 20, 2012
Lorna Shutter February 20, 2012
I saw two, Laura! :) #9992213
Laura E. Swan
February 20, 2012
Rey, all fun aside, I can't believe what humans do to this planet. I am in deep mourning over the tropical and temperate Rainforests being pillaged down for money and power.
The loss of life and species, (animal and plant), medicines, and the ruining of peoples way of life for thousands of years...The climates...destroyed. All for what?
We were given this beautiful planet to love and enjoy and take care of. To honor. The greed over the almighty dollar destroys all things good and innocent. :(
I've been recycling for years now and it still doesn't seem like enough. It's what I can do and what we can all do but like Lorna said...maybe it's too little, too late?
It's the big POWERFULS of the Earth that need to stop what they are doing. That would make a huge difference in saving what little is left. #9992230
Reynaldo D. Reyes
February 20, 2012
Laura E. Swan
February 20, 2012
Lorna Shutter February 20, 2012
Wonderful analogy, Reynaldo! It also says in Luke 1:37 that "Nothing is impossible with God" ... so let's not give up trying! :) #9992544
Reynaldo D. Reyes
February 20, 2012
Erika G. Gossett February 22, 2012
Beautiful capture, Reynaldo! But a realy sad story! #9996477Wm Nosal February 22, 2012
So Sad!
Patrick Rouzes
February 23, 2012
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