Dawn, Portland Headlight [Maine Pictures ]
Uploaded: February 02, 2012 03:02:02
This lighthouse is in Cape Elizabeth, Maine.
Exif: F Number: 11, ISO: 400, FocalLength: 22.00 mm, Model: NIKON D300
Gord MacEachern February 02, 2012
A real jaw dropper Alan, this should be hanging on your wall, or better yet, gracing a magazine cover!! #1440689
Tammy M. Anderson
February 02, 2012
Jeff Robinson
February 02, 2012
Tiia Vissak February 02, 2012
great tones, light & pov! #9960318Debbie Bray February 02, 2012
I'm with Gord on this one, Alan! A real winner in my books! Beautiful job! #9960346Jack Gaskin February 02, 2012
This ones FANTASTIC Just a GLORIOUS CAPTURE.Jack #9960372
Michelle Alton February 02, 2012
Stunning, Gorgeous, and I agree completely with Jack! #9960390Marilyn Cornwell February 02, 2012
One of the great lighthouses of America, and at such a perfect moment! Congratulations on this spectacular image, Alan! #9960418
Linda D. Lester
February 02, 2012
Carolyn M. Fletcher
February 02, 2012
R. J. Laudenbacher
February 02, 2012
Joy Rector February 02, 2012
awesome #9960804Rony Sagy February 02, 2012
Spectacular capture, Alan. #9960953Mike Clime February 02, 2012
Beautiful capture and comp, Alan! Doesn't get any better than this! #9961073David M. Montero February 02, 2012
Dawn right spectacular Alan! #9961423
Claudia Kuhn
February 02, 2012
Barbara Waldoch February 03, 2012
So beautiful, Alan! #9962420
Mark Seiter
February 03, 2012
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