The Tiniest Hockey Player

Uploaded: January 30, 2012 03:43:50


This little guy is not quite two years old. He has two older brothers in the hockey program; so the sport is definitely in his blood!
But, so far, he cannot stand up on his skates, nor can he propel himself across the ice on his own steam. We watched as the coach patiently stood him up and pulled him around on the end of his own stick. The coach also skated him around holding the little guy in front of him.
But in the end, the tiniest skater was just plum exhausted and decided to lie down on the ice (see discussion area).
If anyone was following yesterday's thread--No...I wasn't hit by a hockey puck--one of the coaches stood near me and deflected pucks that were coming my way. But I WAS hit by a teenaged player who had taken a fall and a fast slide in my direction. I was uninjured!

Exif: F Number: 5, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/200 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 4000, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 54.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 7D


Michelle Alton January 30, 2012

One exhausted little Boy! #1440108

Marilyn Cornwell January 30, 2012

Both of these are great shots, Michelle - wonderful portraits of a tiny hockey player of the future! #9955039

Mary K. Robison January 30, 2012

Sweet shots of a cute boy. #9955067

Alan L. Borror January 30, 2012

Priceless! #9955141

Jack Gaskin January 30, 2012


Any time you need a pick me up laugh find a PeeWee sports program and watch a game ANY GAME ...

Great find & Catch

Jack #9955144

Agnes Fegan level-deluxe January 30, 2012

These are priceless shots Michelle! #9955147

Gord MacEachern January 30, 2012

Hi Michelle,
These are indeed priceless, I would far sooner watch the little kids play hockey! Always love the info too!! #9955163

Jyri Vissak January 30, 2012

Cool find! Great timing! #9955164

Gary Enloe January 30, 2012

Very cute capture Michelle. Perfect timing to get this look #9955187

Monnie Ryan January 30, 2012

The look on his sweet little face is so expressive, Michelle - outstanding! #9955306

Ann Coates level-classic January 30, 2012

That coach sounds amazing. He must have all the patience in the world, which you do have to have when coaching little kids. Gorgeous captures of this future hockey player Michelle. #9955595

Mike Clime January 30, 2012

He's a really cute little guy, Michelle! Makes you wonder about the parents though and if they are pushing him into something he doesn't really even understand let alone all the money they spent on equipment which he will surely outgrow very quickly. #9955765

Nadine A. Lewis January 30, 2012

LOVE his facial expression!!! PRICELESS!!! <>< #9955840

Rony Sagy January 30, 2012

Fabulous captures Michelle. Terrific job catching the kid's facial expressions. #9955855

Marijana Fajgl January 30, 2012

Priceless captures, Michelle! I just love his expression!
(I bet a "white castle" is very tasty, sounds like it is.) #9955907

Neal D. Hatcher January 30, 2012

Soooooooo cute-From big eyed to pooped closed eyed #9955929

Deborah Lewinson level-addict January 30, 2012

Expression is everything! Marvelous capture, Michelle!

Debby #9956182

Lindley Johnson level-classic January 30, 2012

So adorable - both of them! How fun, Michelle! #9956337

David Phalen January 30, 2012

Terrific colors and clarity!!

Brings back great memories when I was coaching young hockey players. Noticed one lying on the ice and skated over to see what was the problem and was told he was watching the overhead lights,:) #9956446

Michelle Alton January 30, 2012

What a riot, Dave. #9956480

Mary Timman January 30, 2012

Such a neat and cute little shot. #9956605

Ian M. Hill January 30, 2012

Great captures Michelle,what a marvelous expression on his face too! #9956642

Jeffrey R. Bange January 30, 2012

Great find and capture Michelle along with your storyline, love the expression on the little guys face. Glad to hear that you were not hurt. #9956693

Terry Cervi level-classic January 30, 2012

What a great story about this little guy, Michelle! What a cute shot of him.
Did the teenager knock you down? Yikes. #9956694

Heather Loewenhardt level-classic January 30, 2012

Love that sense of wonderment in his eyes. Wonderful story Michelle. So glad you weren't hurt. #9956810

Douglas Pignet January 31, 2012

priceless...well done #9956926

Nancy L. Green level-classic January 31, 2012

Doesn't get any cuter than this my friend, VERY well done!! <>< #9957598

Rona L. Schwarz January 31, 2012

My favorite - he is just adorable! What a great expression on his face - and I love him lying down. I don't ever remember kids THAT young out there in complete regalia! #9958246

Craig D. Minton January 31, 2012

Can't help but smile viewing these, Michelle. As youths, allot of us fell victim to overhead light gazing of some sort. David brought back some memories. #9958406

Emile Abbott level-classic February 02, 2012

Adorable Michelle. #9961374

Mitch Spence level-classic February 04, 2012

Major bravery from you, Michelle, out there on the ice. This is a wonderful shot you got here. He looks pretty thoroughly confused by the whole exercise but still willing to give it all a try. #9964931

Dianne Brin level-classic February 14, 2012

Very cute! My guys were a little bit older than this little guy when they started Hockey. Much fun. :) #9983201

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