Uploaded: January 29, 2012 17:18:57
This is another image from the spectacular sunset over Port Orford on January 12, with Venus visible in the upper left. It was taken shortly after Red Sky and a little farther down the beach (south). This sunset has to be one of the top 10 that I’ve ever seen. The vivid streaks of color in the sky reflecting on the wet sand and tide pools, the silhouetted sea stacks and rugged coastline, the twinkling lights of Port Orford, all made the scene nothing short of magical!
Quote of the Day: “Red is the ultimate cure for sadness.” ~ Bill Blass
Nikon D700, 20 mm f/2.8D Lens @ f/4.0, 1/60 second exposure. ISO 200. (1/12/2012, 5:23 PM. Port Orford, Oregon USA)
Exif: F Number: 4, ExposureTime: 100/5999 seconds, ISO: 200, FocalLength: 20.00 mm, Model: NIKON D700
Larry L. Redmon January 29, 2012
Outstanding shot, Randall! #1440022Michelle Alton January 30, 2012
Almost like lava. Breathtaking. #9955078Hayden Cannon January 30, 2012
I agree, this is breathtaking, simply stunning capture Randall #9955422Lisa J. Chorny February 26, 2012
Absolutely beautiful, Randall! What did you use for post processing? It has a little bit of a metallic look. #10003013Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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