Mule Bridge Across the Colorado [Backpacking Pictures and Hiking Pictures]
Uploaded: December 02, 2011 16:21:09
this is the bridge Hikers & Mules cross the Colorado on going down the South Kaibab Trail to Phantom Ranch. The Pack Mule Teams that deliver supplies to and takes "stuff" from Phantom Ranch uses this bridge both directions....this is the only place now mail is delivered by mule in the US.
Exif: F Number: 4, Exposure Bias Value: -0.67, ExposureTime: 1/1600 seconds, Flash: reserved, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 5.80 mm, Model: Canon PowerShot A540
Michelle Alton December 02, 2011
Awesome image and fascinating info, Patricia. #1427411Patricia A. Casey December 02, 2011
Thanks Michelle....I've crossed this bridge five times now....once on a is a thrill everytime. I'd like to make at least one more journey down to the bottom of the Canyon....on my 65th I want to go from the North Rim to the South....not all in one day.....but do it anyway with a layover at is heaven down there....the stars....oh the stars....I've never seen so many.....Cheers and have a wonderful evening.....=^..^= #9844277Neal D. Hatcher December 02, 2011
Iagree with Michelle #9844466Tammy Espino December 02, 2011
That looks a tad scarey to me!! What a awesome view and capture you got :) #9844577Patricia A. Casey December 03, 2011
Thanks Neal & Tammy for the comments....Tammy it really isn't very scarey when you see the's quite well supported and doesn't bounce like a suspension is a beautiful experience to do this....I have to get into better shape and hike more....who knows....maybe we'll see you there one day! Have a wonderful day! #9845258Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna December 03, 2011
OH MY GOODNESS, Patricia...this is gorgeous! :-) k #9846154Karen Celella December 04, 2011
Wonderful scene, Patricia! #9846872Patricia A. Casey December 04, 2011
Thank you so much Kitty and Karen.....The place is so beautiful....I wish I could spend a month down there photographing. Night photography would be amazing....I still can see the stars on the picture in my head.....alas I still don't have one my computer...perhaps the next trip....Cheers and have a wonderful day.....=^..^= #9846940Nadia Paul December 19, 2011
What a fantastic experience for you Patricia - a wonderful location and capture! #9876950Patricia A. Casey December 19, 2011
Thank you Nadia....yes it is always a very thrilling to decend into the Canyon...equally so ascending the other end....Have a wonderful day!Danny B. Head January 01, 2012
Great capture of a special place. Several years back, I started at Navajo Bridge and over about seven days, paddled down and pulled out at South Kaibab Trail and then hiked out. The party I was with continued on for another 100 miles. I have often wanted to finish my trip. #9896749Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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