Space Needle in Infrared [Seattle Pictures]
Uploaded: July 07, 2011 16:58:19
Pro Optic 8mm fisheye lens used. Camera converted for infrared. Edited in Silver Efex Pro and CS5.
Exif: Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/160 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 200, White balance: Manual white balance, Model: Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT
Liz blahh July 07, 2011
Awesome! #1391251Tom Gettys July 08, 2011
Thank You! :) #9516835Monika Sapek July 14, 2011
Love your composition here! Well done, Tom! #9530946Tom Gettys July 16, 2011
Thank you Monika! The fish eye lens gives an unusual perspective and I found just the right spot where the top of the Space Needle was in the clear.Tom :) #9534355
Phyllis H. Burchett July 23, 2011
Very cool shot, love your POV and the IR. #9550079Chris Budny July 25, 2011
Beautifully done, Tom---a gorgeous IR, and terrific Needle capture on top of that. #9553974Katarina Mansson August 04, 2011
Superb creativity and result! Congratulations on your POTD Tom! #9580822Michelle Alton August 04, 2011
A totally unique and brilliant IR image, composed perfectly. Congratulations on POTD, Tom! #9580832Joy Rector August 04, 2011
congrats on the POTD #9580836Usman M. Bajwa August 04, 2011
Wonderful comp, CONGRATZ on the POTD!UB. #9580859
Janet McNeil August 04, 2011
Beautiful capture!! Congrats!! #9580880Mary K. Robison August 04, 2011
Beautiful result from your DDR work, Tom ~Kristia Adams August 04, 2011
Wow! Beautiful photo!! #9580925Rick Clark August 04, 2011
Beautiful image. Congrats on POTD! #9580988Heather Loewenhardt August 04, 2011
This whole composition just rocks and the DD infrared is just over the top gorgeous. Congrats on POTD! #9581005Heather Loewenhardt August 04, 2011
This whole composition just rocks and the DD infrared is just over the top gorgeous. Congrats on POTD! #9581006Roxana H. McRoberts August 04, 2011
Just beautiful! Congrats on POTD! #9581100Karen Celella August 04, 2011
Congratulations on your POTD, Tom. This is a very unique perspective and treatment! Well done! #9581317Phyllis H. Burchett August 04, 2011
Congrats on your POTD! #9581340Michele Peterson August 04, 2011
Fantastic shot of the Space Needle and creative effects! Congratulations on your POTD! #9581529Donna La Mattino Pagakis August 04, 2011
Now this is one cool image, great perspective and wide angle presentation. Out of this world gorgeous Tom. Congrats! #9581671Guy D. Biechele August 04, 2011
Outstanding IR photo! Love the comp. #9581744Clyde Smith August 04, 2011
Congratulations on your POTD. Very cool comp Tom. #9581789Richard D. Love August 04, 2011
Wow! Congratulations, Tom. Outstanding IR effects and POV. Just beautiful.
Rick #9581839
Jeff Robinson August 04, 2011
Congrats Tom on this Outstanding and Well Deserved POTD! #9582232Veronica S. McGinnity August 04, 2011
Awesome shot! Congrats on POTD! #9582299Sherman Vincent R. Gomez August 04, 2011
Superb IR shot Tom. Congrats! #9582733Robert D. Proctor August 05, 2011
Outstanding shot, different perspective, Congratulations on the POTD! #9583304Tom Gettys August 08, 2011
Thank You All very much for your great comments!! Tom :) #9590930Merna L. Nobile August 25, 2011
Great photographers are not great because of their technique; they are great because of their passion.Phyllis H. Burchett August 25, 2011
Congrats on your finalist! #9629195Leslie McLain November 04, 2011
Love the perspective. Belated congrats on your beautiful finalist. #9784218Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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