Reflecting On Acadia 1-3 [Maine Pictures ]
Uploaded: May 12, 2003 04:38:27
The water and autumn colors make magic in Acadia National Park. Photo enhanced with PS.
Connie L. Carpenter May 12, 2003
Wonderful!! #34603Donna R. Moratelli May 26, 2019
Love the textures and colors of the reflections. Great compositon too.This is a beautiful abstract image!! #95582Joy Brown May 26, 2019
Wow, Murry! Outstanding! #95599Lorraine T. Lynch May 26, 2019
Beautifully done Murry! #95608Patricia Marroquin May 26, 2019
Wow! This attracted my eye right away! Beautiful abstract, Murry. #95635Darren K. Fisher May 26, 2019
Love those colors!!! Great job Murry. #95676
Carolyn M. Fletcher
May 26, 2019
Murry Grigsby May 26, 2019
Thanks, Connie, Donna, Joy, Lorraine, Patricia, Darren and Carolyn, for you nice comments. #95701
William C. Raco
May 26, 2019
bill #95829
Murry Grigsby May 26, 2019
Thanks, Bill. #95832
Evy Johansen
May 26, 2019
Leanne M.E. Boyd May 26, 2019
Great work, I like the bright creativity. #95883Murry Grigsby May 26, 2019
Thanks, Evy and Leanne. #95888Oksana Oksamit May 26, 2019
Many congrats, Murry!!! and good luck with this one!Jean Papo May 26, 2019
This is a big WOW photo! Congrats! #112838
Evy Johansen
May 26, 2019
Leanne M.E. Boyd May 26, 2019
Congratulations, Murry. I hope you do well. #113159
Mette Vendelboe Allison
May 26, 2019
Murry Grigsby May 26, 2019
Thank you, Oskana, Jean, Evy, Leanne and Mette. #113426
Sharon E. Lowe
May 26, 2019
Ron Goldman May 26, 2019
One more time.... Congratulations! #113666Donna R. Moratelli May 26, 2019
congratulations Murry. This is a beautiful image! #113679Darren K. Fisher May 26, 2019
Look at you go Murry. Congrats again!! #113781Murry Grigsby May 26, 2019
Thank you, Sharon, Ron, Donna and Darren. #113791Elizabeth A. Zibas May 26, 2019
Buzz looks great here. The colors are fantastic too. Congrats Murry. #113886Murry Grigsby May 26, 2019
Thanks, Betsy. #113890Wolfgang Dolak May 26, 2019
Beautifully done, Murry! Congratulations again!!Murry Grigsby May 26, 2019
Thanks, Birdie! #114267
William C. Raco
May 26, 2019
bill #114336
Murry Grigsby May 26, 2019
Thank you, Bill. #114371Cathy Shotz May 26, 2019
This is great...congratulations, again. #114453Murry Grigsby May 26, 2019
Thank you, Cathy. #114466Damian P. Gadal May 26, 2019
Fantastic - Congrats Murry! #114616Murry Grigsby May 26, 2019
Thank you, Damian. #114661
Gary H. Minish
May 26, 2019
Murry Grigsby May 26, 2019
Thank you, Gary. #114867Patricia Marroquin May 26, 2019
Congratulations, Murry! #114941Murry Grigsby May 26, 2019
Thank you, Patricia. #115139Nicola Clark May 26, 2019
Congratulations Murry. #116682Murry Grigsby May 26, 2019
Thanks, Nicola. #116737Mary K. Robison July 09, 2003
Just happened on this GORGEOUS photo tonight while "browsing" the members' galleries (as a newbie to the site). Big surprise this won a prize! You give us amateurs something to shoot for (no pun intended). You are one talented guy! #138146Murry Grigsby July 09, 2003
Thanks, Mary, and welcome to Betterphoto. It's a great site and you'll love the helpful folks here. Everyone shares their vision and skills here. Looking foward to your posts :0) #138233Leanne M.E. Boyd July 09, 2003
Congratulations, Murry - good luck in the finals!!!! #138235Anette Linnea Rasmussen August 30, 2004
Very beautiful, Murry! Well done!Best wishes to you and yours
Linnea #746365
Murry Grigsby August 31, 2004
Thanks Leanne and I hope they're tears of joy Linnea :0) #747102
Mette Vendelboe Allison
October 31, 2004
Murry Grigsby October 31, 2004
Thanks Mette! #881426Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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