Bountiful Color
Uploaded: January 07, 2011 07:35:33
Av 2.8, Tv 1/640, ISO 400.
Details and Macro
Exif: F Number: 2.8, Exposure Bias Value: -1.33, ExposureTime: 1/640 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 400, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 100.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Douglas Pignet January 07, 2011
Lovely colors and clarity..Well done #1342160Monnie Ryan January 07, 2011
Oooh, just luscious, Melissa! #9148424Liz blahh January 07, 2011
Beautiful! #9148506Sarah A. Christian January 08, 2011
Wonderful macro, Melissa! Colors are magnificent! #9149728Nancyj E. Hovey January 08, 2011
Excellent macro, and love the lines of the leaves... Gorgeous presentation! 8o) #9149896Jeana Clark February 10, 2011
~J~ #9225883
Emile Abbott February 10, 2011
Awesome macro Melissa you are having a great month, Congrats again on another well deserved finalist. #9226404Bojan Bencic February 10, 2011
Congratulations on your finalist, Melissa. #9226895Nancyj E. Hovey February 10, 2011
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N SLydia Williams February 10, 2011
Beautiful macro...well shot. Congratulations! #9227447Tammy Espino February 10, 2011
Congrats on another of your finalist!! :) #9227939Patrick Rouzes February 10, 2011
Congratulations once again, Melissa! WTG! #9228012Debra R. Harder February 10, 2011
This is wonderful, Melissa! Huge congratulations on another beautiful finalist! Deb #9228182Raymond Pauly February 10, 2011
Congratulations on your beautiful finalist, Melissa! #9229627Stefania Barbier February 11, 2011
truly gorgeous... congratulations!!! #9230814Merna L. Nobile February 11, 2011
Black and White, Bright Colors, Full Frame or Cropped, it does not matter. You’re a winner! CONGRATULATIONS, Merna
ALLEN O. HOWARD February 11, 2011
Wonderful colors, details and focus Melissa! Congratulations X 3!!! #9233684Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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