Pollen Portrait
Uploaded: January 03, 2011 09:04:57
Details of tulip reproductive structures. This was seven images, each at F11, combined into one sharp image using Helicon Focus software.
Douglas Pignet January 03, 2011
Beautiful work opn this lovely floral...Well done #1340927Liz blahh January 03, 2011
Excellent work on this beauty! #9140785Arthur Bohlmann January 03, 2011
Very cool image look like a wine glass with the flower parts inside #9140793Carla Capra Anderson January 03, 2011
Outstanding!Lisa J. Boulden January 09, 2011
Fantastic!Sarah A. Christian February 10, 2011
Congratulations on your Finalist image!!! Wonderful! #9225660Lydia Williams February 10, 2011
Fantastic! Congratulations! #9227557Carla Capra Anderson February 10, 2011
Hi Robert;Arthur Bohlmann February 10, 2011
ATTA BOY Robert #9228214Kay E. Mahoney February 10, 2011
Congratulations on your beautiful finalist. Good luck in the next round.
Merna L. Nobile February 11, 2011
Black and White, Bright Colors, Full Frame or Cropped, it does not matter. You’re a winner! CONGRATULATIONS, Merna
Chris Budny February 11, 2011
Love the graphic punch on this one... Congratulations, Bob! #9233112Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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