The Colosseum

© Salim Al-Harthy

The Colosseum

Uploaded: October 18, 2010


Exif: F Number: 4, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/40 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 3200, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 24.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II


Katie W October 18, 2010

Very awesome photo, Salim! I love the contrasting colors and the vibrance of it all. Great job! #1318885

Rolando Rosito October 18, 2010

Great work Salim!! #8981262

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic October 19, 2010

Exceptional capture with stunning colors and light, Salim. This definitely belongs in the Winners' circle, good luck!

UB. #8982257

Salim Al-Harthy October 22, 2010

Thank you all, glad you liked it #8989979

Giancarlo Bisone October 27, 2010

This is a fantastic shot! Great job!
Ciao, Giancarlo #8999717

Merna L. Nobile November 16, 2010

I would personally like to congratulate you on your winning photograph for October, 2010 and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. Merna Nobile #9043948

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic November 17, 2010

Congratulations on your WINNER! 8o) #9046419

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic November 21, 2010

Great to see this again, Salim. CONGRATZ on your Golden Badge!

UB. #9055183

Joy Rector November 30, 2010

congrats on the POTD #9071219

Richard M. Waas November 30, 2010

Excellent image, a real wall hanger. Congrats on your well deserved POTD. #9071284

Patti Coblentz November 30, 2010

Excellent composition, details, and vibrant colors...a magmificent POV, Salim...congratulations on your POTD! #9071310

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic November 30, 2010

on your very deserving POTD! 8o) #9071385

Anthony L. Mancuso November 30, 2010

Awesome image Salim...congrats on your pair of gold medals! #9071448

Katarina Mansson November 30, 2010

Congratulations on your well-deserved second Golden Badge for this spectacular photo! #9071451

Louise Dandeneau November 30, 2010

I love this photo! Why is only one archway not golden? Photoshop? Can you tell I'm a beginner... #9071453

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic November 30, 2010

Glad to see this yet again and with another Golden Badge. HUGE Congratz on the POTD, Salim!

UB. #9071572

Cathy Barrows November 30, 2010

Congrats on your gorgeous POTD #9071676

Salim Al-Harthy November 30, 2010

Thank you all, I am honored


All the arc had a light below them reflecting to it. Except that particular one. I guess the bulb was not functioning :)

This photo was taken during the BLUE HOUR (When the sun has set and before the dark came through). My favorite time during the day and you get the best photo results.

No. I didnt use any photo shop, I try to get my photos from the get go, bit of contrast and leveling here and there, but thats it #9071686

Anne McKinnell November 30, 2010

Salim, what a beautiful shot, congratulations on the POTD! #9071841

Kathleen R. Struckle November 30, 2010

Congrats on your stunning POTD!! #9072131

Kimber Wallwork-Heineman level-classic November 30, 2010

congrats - great POV #9072142

Julianne Bradford November 30, 2010

Awesome lighting and pov Salim, sunset lighting is the best :-) Congratulations on your outstanding POTD and Gold finalist awards #9072892

Mary K. Robison November 30, 2010

Outstanding capture, Salim ~
Congratulations on its selection as a POTD/Second Place Winner!
Very well deserved! #9073212

Donna La Mattino Pagakis December 02, 2010

Just remarkable Salim! A huge congratulations on your win and POTD! Well done! #9076181

Richard D. Love December 03, 2010

Congratulations, Salim. Wonderful composition and light. Well done.

Rick #9078296

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