Uploaded: August 28, 2010 01:09:30
SOUL SISTER KiKi Kjaer And Her Hubby Leif.
See You Folks Soon! CAN'T WAIT! HA!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The Scoop ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Out In A Nearby Native Indian Reserve Area
In Village Style They Seemed
So Connected To Me And In Harmony
As They Sat In This Circle.
One Main Tee Pee In The Middle.
With Some DDR MAGIC I thought This
Came Out Kind Of Neat.
Looks To Me like They Are Even
* * *
(DDR) 240710
TV 1/400, AV 8.0, ISO 200
Exif: F Number: 8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 10/4000 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 200, Model: NIKON D90
Brett Dolsen August 28, 2010
Wonderfull colours, treatment, composition and you knew Id love this one Laura!! #1302550
Laura E. Swan
August 28, 2010
Thank you for all you said here.
-Laura #8866313
Kirsten Kiki Kjaer August 28, 2010
OMG!!! This is AWESOME, MSSSLala. Thank you so much. I can't wait either!!
Laura E. Swan
August 28, 2010
So glad you like it. I will take you here.
On the way to Mt Kidd! :)))
Night night to you and to all.
-YVOSSSLaura #8866339
Carol Teal August 28, 2010
What beautifully colored teepees! Love this one Laura! #8866341Kerry Hill August 28, 2010
Fantastic image and treatment Laura...excellent work, love it! #8866372Michelle Alton August 28, 2010
It DID come out well, Laura. Even though I'm jaded on Frac, I think it works here, particularly in the selective way you've used it. #8866387
Carolyn M. Fletcher
August 28, 2010
Jeff Robinson
August 28, 2010
Michele Wetzel August 28, 2010
Laura,Definitely cool effects! Love it!
Shelly #8866528
Michael McCook August 28, 2010
I like it!! #8866565Vickie J. Jenkins August 28, 2010
Beautiful capture and work Laura. #8866570Ron McEwan August 28, 2010
Very effective Laura, That is one place I missed, gotta go back. What are we looking at 72 hours before Kiki and Leif arrive. Have fun. #8866576Monnie Ryan August 28, 2010
Really great work on this one, Laura -- what a neat place! #8866661Stephen Zacker August 28, 2010
Very Cool #8866685
Kay E. Mahoney
August 28, 2010
Kirsten Kiki Kjaer August 28, 2010
You are so right, MSSSLala. I can't wait! #8867346Troy Gallagher August 28, 2010
Fantastic work Laura.Troy #8867604
Chris N. Sweet August 28, 2010
Wow! Now this IS a striking image! Super colour, composition and editing! Nice work. #8867663Renata Gusciora August 28, 2010
Fantastic image and effects,what a great place,Laura! #8867850Graham Robards August 29, 2010
Wow, this is excellent,love it Lala, the colours of the teepees are so bright. Amazing sight. #8868290Wm Nosal August 29, 2010
Spirit and Mind, Or Is That, Mind and Spirit? Yes, No? Maybe, Cool Image, Laura! #8869277John Connolly August 29, 2010
What a delightful colorful spiritual, mood image Laura! Beautiful work! #8869394
Nancyj E. Hovey
August 29, 2010
Laura E. Swan
August 29, 2010
-Laura :)))))))
(Mumj, I have another one I did of this in DDR that I would like to enter too. It's pretty neat...) #8869683
Tommy E. Burgess August 29, 2010
Very beautiful scene and effects work Laura!! I agree about the wonderful mood here! #8870032Ujjwal Mukherjee August 30, 2010
Love the idea and symmetry created here, wonderful work,Laura!! #8870053Tammy Espino August 30, 2010
Oh I have been slacking, time to play catch up!! Love this...:) #8871708
Laura E. Swan
November 05, 2010
Hi Ujjwal! MUCH appreciated!
I know how you feels Tammers. No matter how hard I even try can't get caught up on comments. It's a 24/7 thing I think!
Thank you guys for coming by and for your great remarks!
-Laura (LooLoo)
Nancyj E. Hovey
November 06, 2010
Laura E. Swan
November 06, 2010
I appreciate your feedback! :) #9018272
Christine Lobsinger
September 04, 2011
Gina M. Savage May 28, 2016
Love this, Laura. Great editing. #11479129
Laura E. Swan
May 28, 2016
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