The Crescent Hotel [Halloween Pictures, Halloween Costume dress up photos, photos of Pumkins and Jack o lanterns]
Uploaded: July 31, 2010 07:02:36
Built in 1886 in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Yes, it's haunted.
Exif: F Number: 11.3, ExposureTime: 390/100000 seconds, ISO: 200, FocalLength: 45.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Jessica Jenney July 31, 2010
What a beautiful place, Vickie! I just love your treatment! #1293475Vickie J. Jenkins July 31, 2010
Thank you Jessica. #8797586Gina Cormier August 01, 2010
What a gorgeous and interesting place!! Haunted? I so won't be coming there for a visit!! lol #8798722Danny B. Head August 01, 2010
Cool place, great capture! #8798854Jack R. Perry August 01, 2010
Cool place! Arkansas is one I have never visited. Please share the haunted stories. #8798886Vickie J. Jenkins August 01, 2010
Thanks so much, Gina, Danny and Jack. The hotel was originally built and opened as a hospital. Many of the furnishings of the morgue are still in the can imagine the rest. "Sightings" of nurses in white uniforms, patients who never left the building and a lady who has introduced herself to hotel guests as a cancer patient and then vanishes. #8799855Terry Cervi August 09, 2010
This is such a beautiful old building and your capture is stunning, Vickie! #8815400Linda A. Braddock September 12, 2010
Vickie, Beautiful Capture and effects! #8896688Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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