Farewell Lucky Boy

Uploaded: May 04, 2011 03:43:27


Farewell Lucky Boy. Not to be forgotten

Dedicated to Laura Swan and her husband Dale for the loss of Lucky Boy their Tuxedo Cat.

Lucky Boy lived to be the grand of of 18 years of age. Your are now at rest dear one.

~Pat and Graham Robards

Exif: F Number: 10, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/125 seconds, Flash: fired, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 200, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 100.00 mm, Model: DSLR-A900


Jack Gaskin May 04, 2011

PAT & Graham
NICE TRIBUTE Its extra hard on some folks loosing a pet especially after so many years.

Happy Shooting
Jack #1374457

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe May 04, 2011

A wonderful dedication during this time for them.... #9388182

Carolyn M. Fletcher level-classic May 04, 2011

It hurts my heart when I hear about the loss of a beloved pet. You never get over it. #9388211

Graham Robards May 04, 2011

Winter Sonata - "My Memory" Piano Instrumental


Joy Rector May 04, 2011

precious #9388248

Graham Robards May 04, 2011

Thankyou so much for leaving your condolences Jack Jeff Carolyn for our dear Dale and Laura.

It just hurts so much and yes Carolyn, you never get over it. When we hear about a loss of a pet it brings back so many memories of our own who have passed on.




Amy M. Wilson May 04, 2011

Beautiful capture, treatment and tribute to Lucky Boy! #9388318

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic May 04, 2011

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...

(One can list their beloved pet here as one at the Rainbow Bridge!)

HUGS HUGS HUGS... #9388497

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic May 04, 2011

I so know your loss, Dale and Laura. Many hugs to you at the loss of your beloved Lucky from my heart! #9388503

Laura E. Swan level-classic May 04, 2011

I am weeping again. This is so hard.

Thank you for this beautiful dedication Sister Pat.

Please tell me the pain will go away soon. This is horrible.

Thank you everyone for all you said. It means so much to me to know that you care. This year has been one thing after the next. I fly out to California Friday night because my Dad had renal failure...

I hope I can stay strong when I am there. I'll be gone 12 days.

The Rainbow Bridge Poem is beautiful Mumj.

Thank you everyone for your loving care.

Love, Laura Em #9388721

Dr Silly level-classic May 04, 2011

Laura, I am sadden for your lose. Pat as all way you know the right photo and song to post. :O(


Chris Ebben May 04, 2011

Now I'm weeping too. I wish I could say something that would make you feel better but I just can't think of anything. Just remember all those great photo opportunities & camping holidays you all had together & keep smiling=^..^= #9389406

Karen Kessler May 04, 2011

Beautiful photo tribute, Pat. I know your pain is still fresh from your beloved Teena & this was so sweet of you to post for Laura & Dale!

Laura, we are all saddened by your loss of your precious Lucky Boy. We know he had a wonderful life with you & Dale & returned the love you gave him! #9389593

Graham Robards May 05, 2011

Dear little Sister,

The pain becomes less painful but it never really goes away I find.. It has taken me nearly two years after Teena died, 21 months to be exact
still raw as Karen says. Animal owners are akin to each others souls. ~Pat #9389977

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic May 05, 2011

After reading what Pat just wrote, I also agree. But in our pain, it changes to a love that grows and grows, and become sort of comforting. And since our beloved pets are still in our hearts and minds, they remain with us as wonderful memories with hugs of remembrance! hugs 8o) #9390310

Laura E. Swan level-classic May 05, 2011

Sobbing again. We woke up today dry eyed...and I thought we were a little better. But NO. Just one mention of his food bowl sitting there and we lost it again. There have been many tears here again today. This is so terible and we loved him so VERY much. I miss him with all my core. So does Dale. The sun isn't shining in our house right now...
Not on any level...but we have each other and we have the same memories of little Lucky. We can recall something together and laugh. This we have already done. Then we cry again after we laugh.

It hurts so much. I will always miss him. Always. Just sobbing here...


You are so VERY dear to me.

I love you, my Betterphoto family. Each of you!

-Laura #9390739

John Connolly May 05, 2011

A wonderful card for Laura and Dale at this sad time Pat! A pet is always a member of the family, and when one passes away it is sadly missed! #9390765

Avril Young May 06, 2011

this is just so beautiful Pat...I am just so sad to hear of Laura's loss...I know just how you feel...
this really is terrific Pat, such love music as well, makes me want to cry..hope you are keeping well..

stunning photo!! the lighting is awesome.. #9391326

Christine Lobsinger level-classic May 06, 2011

Beautiful work Pat and Graham!!! I love this shot!
So sad to hear about Lucky Boy~
A wonderful card/dedication!!
Smiling Chris #9391563

Laura E. Swan level-classic May 06, 2011

Thank you all so very much! I am getting ready to head for the airport in a few hours. I am needed in California.

Please, if you think of it can yu say a little prayer for me and Dale and my Daddy and family right now?

Thank you everyone. I love you and we have never even met. BP made this possible. What a miracle for us all to have each other.

Love, Laura #9391900

Patti Coblentz May 19, 2011

This is so sweet of you, Pat...and what an adorable, heartwarming image. I'm so very sorry, Laura. #9415893

Laura E. Swan level-classic June 01, 2011

Thank you Patti! xoxo

I was down to see my family in California for 15 days and I came home and saw that Dale had picked up Lucky's ashes at the VET. They were on the mantel. He was unable to read the card or open the little square white cardboard box the entire time I was away.

I opened the card and cremation certificate the next day after getting home. I also pulled the little black satin pouch out of the box. Lucky's remains. I have always had this container in the house that looks like an URN. Well, wouldnt you know, they fit perfectly in there. Like it was meant to be. So now his ashes are in there and on the center of the mantel.

Lucky was my little baby since I was about 33 years old. I am 50 now...so this has been a terrible blow for me. There is something so precious about little animals who love us without conditions. Well Lucky had a few ... LOL ... but they were always met and we were so close. I called him "My Baby Duck" because he loved to follow me all around. We needed each other.

Now I feel lost and now his life is over.

I know your story, too, Patti and Pat and Mumj and Chris and many of you. We have all "lost" and it hurts so much.

It's okay to cry and it's good to cry. I am right now and the best part is that I know I am not crying alone.

You guys have been there for me and I want you to know that I am there for you, too. Just a key board away. (Or a call away).

Hugs and love and thank you all again. This thread and this music has be sobbing. I actually made it a few days without crying...but here I am again.

I love you all very much.

-Laura #9438747

Laura E. Swan level-classic June 01, 2011

* * * #9438748

Graham Robards June 01, 2011

I was thinking of not re-newing at BP you know little sister until I read your post.

If I left then my dedication to Lucky would go and all the memories.

And Fang and Teena, the Frog and the Prince.

I don't have many friends here, my fault really, photography isn't my full time passon since Teena died as part of her died with me. Then I became ill, slowly recovering now thanks to you but I will never be the same.

Now I am crying too, I love the urn you found for Lucky Boy, he lives on in such a special place on your Mantle.
Take care!
xxxxxxx #9438812

Laura E. Swan level-classic June 01, 2011

Gosh Big Sister, never leave BP. We all have "lulls" and valleys. All of us. Look at me. I haven't been active in clubs or faithful to commenting but I know where HOME is. Better Photo is HOME.

We may wander off for whatever reasons but having a HOME to come back to with family we love and who love us is so important.

Dont EVER think of leaving. As long as BP stays afloat WE SHOULD TOO!

That would be too much for me to bare losing my dearest friends here. I say the same to others that I love who have considered leaving.

Go off to college, see the world, care for illness and re-cooping but NEVER LEAVE those you love behind. Keep them near. Even if we dont see each other often dont cut the ties!!!! We need each other to reach out to and to make us laugh or allow us to cry!

I am so happy I came to this thread today and so glad you opened up and shared your heart.

BIG SISTER WHAT WOULD HALLOWEEN BE without you? I'd stop doing it. Altogether. I mean that. YOUR addition to it all makes it perfect.

My Husband learned a MOTTO in his Real Estate training.

"We get by giving"...so he treats his clients well and this brings him joy. It's a true statement. Joy is found in the Moments Spent, too. You have put a lot of fun and love into Halloween on my gallery and YOU made it as fun as I did and all the commenters did. We all need each other to make it work.

(No pressure mind you! Just showing what you mean to me and us all!)

You are one VERY fun lady and I am so happy to know you.

I am sorry I haven't been what I should be on the BP clubs. I have been in a funk for a while now, too...but it is totally nothing personal against you. AT ALL.

Much love and hugs always,

Your Little Sister Laura who adores you and looks up to you.


Julie Christiansen June 02, 2011

Fine tribute. Hugs and God Bless.

I put my Max the cat down in February and am balling right now so bad. #9440009

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic June 22, 2011

Pat, we have more friends on BP than we know...cause it is our home...and BP family!!!

on your very deserving FINALIST! 8o) #9474512

Dr Silly level-classic June 22, 2011

Dear Friend, yes I did say friend. You have all ways had a special place in my heart. Congratulations on your wonderful finalist. :O) #9474660

Renee Doyle June 22, 2011

Wonderful dedication and beautiful finalist!! Congratulations! #9474740

Graham Robards June 22, 2011

Oh I am crying with Joy!

I was wondering why all of a sudden I was getting mail from BP! LOL.

Thankyou all dear freinds, and Bless you Dr. Silly!

We are picking up my puppy today in Sydney so some more puppy shots but this time of my dog, not Grahams .

~Patx #9474917

Amy M. Wilson June 22, 2011

Big congratulations on your beautiful Finalist, Pat & Graham!! #9475092

Lorna Shutter June 22, 2011

CONGRATULATIONS on your Finalist Award for this touching image and sweet dedication to our dear Sister, Laura!!!!! A beautiful capture, Pat!!! Sorry I missed this Sis! ... but you know my thoughts are with you always!!! :)

Photobucket #9475684

Kirsten Kiki Kjaer June 23, 2011

I love this one, Pat and Graham. Congratulations on this touching and beautiful finalist. #9477285

Carla Capra Anderson June 23, 2011

What a touching tribute, Pat n Graham. The music is lovely and fitting for this awesome Finalist.
;) CC #9478729

Ann Coates level-classic June 23, 2011

How beautiful and sad. Congratulations on your outstanding Finalist award. #9479154

Laura E. Swan level-classic June 23, 2011


Lucky is being honored and memorialized AGAIN!

Thank you so much and thank you for this beautiful imgage that will forever be in my heart. Right where I keep YOU!

xoxoxo I love you Pat xoxoxoxo

Love, Little Sister! #9479470

Laura E. Swan level-classic June 23, 2011

P.S. Thank you, each one, for all you have added here and for sharing your love, your hurts and losses, too. Much love and many hugs to all. #9479558

Emile Abbott level-classic June 23, 2011

Again Laura we all weep for your loss. So touching Pat and Graham and congrats on your finalist. #9479938

Amanda J. Tanner level-classic June 23, 2011

A very touching Finalist and tribute Pat!
Laura Lucky became a part of the family here at BP also. My wonderful friend Your Lucky Boy will always be in your heart and someday you will get to see him again. A Hug for you. #9480777

Graham Robards June 23, 2011

Oh little sister to think that Lucky's Card won an award!

Gee I didn't do it for that but now it makes it 'special!

I usually only leave the music on for a day or two but this one I left here as it is a dedication and entries aren't judged on the musical content.Pat


Graham Robards June 23, 2011

Thankyou so much Renee, Amy W. Lorna, K.K. Carla, Ann C. and of course our Nany my dear friend! little sister and Emile!

Lovely tribute for Luck, he is honoured and memorialized again!

~Pat #9481253

Christine Lobsinger level-classic June 24, 2011

Congrats to you on your Lovely Finalist...
Smiling Chris #9482010

Merna L. Nobile June 30, 2011

Congratulations to all of the Award Winners for May 2011. Merna


Laura E. Swan level-classic July 16, 2011

Thank you again for this, dear big Sister. If I ever get to meet you in person I want to give you the warmest hug I have ever given another.

You are so dear. It was good for me to come back here again today and see and hear this card for Lucky and Dale and I.

I so appreciate each person who has come by, too. :) My BP family is the BEST.


Little Sister, Lala #9534520

Laura E. Swan level-classic August 07, 2011

I had to come back and read everything here again today.

Thank you again.

I love you...

Lucky passed away May the 3rd. It's been 3 months now.

I forgot to Thank you all from Dale, too. He knows how special my BP family is. We are crying again together this morning. Our other kitty (Pookey) is on Dales lap right now and just reached up and licked Dales nose. We both laughed through the tears...

I was sorry to read about "Max" again here...and was thinking about LondonFOg, Mumj's kitty she lost...And Chris..

I miss Teena. And now Bo is in all of our hearts, too.

Anyway time to get on with the day here.

Our Love and Thanks to You All.

-Laura and Dale #9587794

Merna L. Nobile August 07, 2011

This message is to all of you that have a heavy heart because of the loss of one of the best friends we will ever have. People say that we should go out and get another pet as soon as possible and that really helps some but others cannot do this because they cannot get past the loss. Either way, is okay, we all deal with our heartaches in our own way.
We had a black lab for 14 years, he went to work with my husband everyday, strapped in with the seat belt, never spending a night outside, sleeping by his master's bed guarding his family through the night for 14 years. This all took place ten years ago, and to this day when my husband goes for his morning walk, I watch him out the window take his hanky out of his pocket and wipe his eyes; there will never be another Mani. Our pets that make our life full of happiness are a gift from God, because we cared enough to rescue them from a life time of pain. Look at their eyes; they never forget that you loved them enough to look out for them for their whole life. I feel that someday we will all know how much they really know about us. My heart aches for all of you that have had this experience, but you have been chosen to do this............Merna

Graham Robards August 07, 2011

Dear Merna,

Thankyou for your beautiful words.

Oh your husband still remembering his walks so long ago with Mani.

My heart aches too. When Bo died I didn't want it to be like this, I didn't want my life to become a hole and feel so depressed when I write his name.

This is the first time I have been able to say it since he died, still crying of course.

I must come back and reply to the other posts.

~Patx #9588780

Graham Robards August 07, 2011

Isn't it amazing little sister that Lucky's passing is now three months.

It's a lovely rememberance to have this card here for our 'fur' family now gone!

Julie's Max, Teena, Lucky Boy and now Bo.

Very hard to find the words,

xxxx #9588803

Laura E. Swan level-classic September 28, 2011

Oh. Merna. I am so sorry that I haven't read this until just now. I've been camping so much and busy with work. I didn't see the notificationss. They got lost in a sea of unopened mail.

Dale used to go on walks with "Lucky Boy" and people would laugh and smile and even wave from their cars seeing a big tall man walking his little cat on a harness! :)) And now of course Dales heart breaks just looking at photos of he and Lucky together. They were the best of friends, as I know your "Mani" was to you and your husband and family.

Lucky was my baby. The baby I never had in real life...I'm so glad we have two loving kitties left. "Pookey" our big black long haired kitty is lost without Lucky. His best friend. He slept in the closet for two months after Lucky died We got very worried about him. Now he sleeps near my head! Lol...

Thank you for sharing your heart and story with us. :) You are such a dear kind hearted person.

Love, Laura

* * *

Hi Sister. I have missed you. I heard today you and Graham have had lunch with John and his sweet wife. How I wish I was there, too. Maybe someday we really will have that time in person. :)

Pat, it will be 5 months now on October 3rd. Hard to believe.

Merna, Dale says "No more kitties" Too hard on him. I say "LETS SAVE LOTS MORE OF THEM!!!" Lol...It felt good to save their lives. They all lived on the street. Alone and cold and/or injured.

God Bless You All Dear Ones. Each One Here.

We remeber LondonFog and Bubbles and EVERYONES pets tonight.

A special hug to the ANDERTON Family in California that JUST lost their sweet "Shasta" dog afer many years of love and friendship. :))) xoxoxo

Your Laura, Lala, Sis and Friend. #9704091

Laura E. Swan level-classic September 28, 2011

* * * #9704121

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BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest Finalist

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