Starfish Reflections [Favorites]

© Piper Lehman

Starfish Reflections

Uploaded: July 24, 2002 10:04:49


Batfish, Monterey Aquarium, Monterey, CA


Heather K. McFarland August 06, 2002

Many congrats Piper. I'm so happy for you! Way to go girl. Heather #7243

Piper Lehman August 06, 2002

Thank you! I'm in complete shock. I think maybe one of the judges has a thing for me.... ha ha ha ha ha --that was a joke, judges.

Thanks again, Heather. It means a lot to me (your work is one of my favorite inspirations). #10712

Janet R. Pedersen August 06, 2002

Piper, dahling, congrats! Beautiful photo and very well done. Excellent! #10713

Piper Lehman August 06, 2002

Thank you! #10721

Shelley Sanders August 06, 2002

How exciting Piper! Grand Prize!!! Way to go! Maybe since you got the Grand this month, that judge will head my way. I am batting my eyelashes right now! LOL #10739

Piper Lehman August 06, 2002

He/she is lucky I don't know who they are! I swear. Thanks much! And congrats to you too! #10745

Patricia Marroquin August 06, 2002

I wanted to scream and jump up and down for joy when I saw that you had won Grand Prize, but I'm at work right now and it would be inappropriate at deadline. :-) I am so thrilled for you Piper. A very big congratulations. ... And, as you know, I loved that Snoopy shot as soon as I saw it. #10748

Piper Lehman August 06, 2002

Oh, go ahead and scream! The News could use a little excitement. Ha ha. Thanks so much. I'm still in shock. Can't believe my eyes. #10752

Dolores Neilson August 06, 2002

Piper!! Grand Prize!! How utterly delightful!! Wooo Hoooooo.... I am so happy for you!! Congrats!! #10753

Piper Lehman August 06, 2002

Thank you sooooo much! I'm so happy, I could bake a cake! :) #10767

Tom G. Smith August 06, 2002

Congrats! Neighbor! Grand Prize for a grand lady. Whats in store for this months? Can't wait to see. Tom #10779

Piper Lehman August 06, 2002

Thanks, Tom. We Texans have need to get together somehow for a photography weekend. How about Austin or a wknd, or you pick. I know there are others out there. We need to post an ad! Thanks again! #10780

Tom G. Smith August 06, 2002

That sounds like fun, I know Kimberly Johnson is here in San Antonio as well, she'd love to do something like that. Let's post an ad out to all Texans, and see if we can get a majority on when and where. Congrats again. #10781

Rhonda Maurer level-deluxe August 06, 2002

Many congratulations!! That is fantastic! I am so happy for you and I love the photo.
Rhonda #10784

Piper Lehman August 06, 2002

Thank you Rhonda! Means a lot coming from you. I love your work. #10785

Judy Miss Ben Joud August 06, 2002

congratulations on the win!!!
Judy #10786

Piper Lehman August 06, 2002

Thanks, Judy! I'm still reeling. All the great shots this month from all my favorite photogs, you included--it's just unbelieveable. Thanks again! #10787

Stephanie Adams August 06, 2002


Guy D. Biechele level-classic August 07, 2002

Big Congrats, Piper! Wonderful shot. I'm so glad for you!
+Guy #10793

Robert Jensen August 07, 2002


Thanks for your comments on my Leopard Gecko image and congratulations on your starfish image. It's a wonderful reflection image. Keep up the great work.

Bob J. #10794

Damian P. Gadal August 07, 2002

Outstanding.... Congratulations!

DPG #10796

Gerda Grice level-classic August 07, 2002

Many, many congratulations, Piper. I'm really delighted for you! That's a great image and a very worthy Grand Prize Winner! Hooray! #10810

Adam Bolt August 07, 2002

Apart from being totally happy for your win (Yessssss.... you go girl!!! Had to get that out of my system), this is one extrordinary shot, the colours and dynamics are just perfect
Sooo sooo happy for you!!!
Cheers Adam #10819

Jeff Dykes August 07, 2002

Congratulations Piper well done hope to see more of your work soom :).

Cheers!! jeff #10822

Piper Lehman August 07, 2002

Thanks so much, everyone. I'm so flattered and so excited. Like I was telling Jim, it's so funny how we fret and spaz over certain shots and how to make them good, and in the end it's those spur-of-the-moment snapshots that get noticed! I feel as if I can relax and shoot what I like to shoot now. This is such a load off! :) And in the words of Sally Field, "you like me! you really, really like me!" #10826

Donna R. Moratelli August 07, 2002

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!GRAND PRIZE,,,,,, A BIG CONGRATS TO YOU PIPER!!! #10841

Carolyn M. Fletcher level-classic August 07, 2002

Congrats, girl..I had missed this one.Very nice, and I'm so thrilled for you.. #10846

Piper Lehman August 07, 2002

Thanks Donna and Carolyn! Going to go out with my digital more often now. :) #10865

Brian Evan Franklin August 07, 2002

congratulations! What a beautiful image!!! #10870

Piper Lehman August 07, 2002

Thanks, Brian! I wish we could do a search on photog's names so I could see your collection. Do you have a web site or gallery somewhere else?

In all honesty, this is not my favorite shot by any means. Check out my web site and sign the guestbook!


bob garas August 07, 2002

fantastic. way to go one your win #10876

Carolyn M. Fletcher level-classic August 07, 2002

When you Texans get together, don't forget this Okie..Just a short hop away! #10878

Piper Lehman August 07, 2002

Thanks, Bob. Carolyn, Tom S. and I are thinking of placing an ad here somewhere to advertise our idea of getting Texans together for a wknd shoot in Austin (or wherever). You don't have to be from Texas to come, of course. Anyone and everyone are invited, but we thought it would be cool to try to meet up somewhere for our own photo field trip. We could organize a plan for where to meet and set up some shoot destinations and have a damn good time talking shop and shooting and basically being passionate about what our significant others just can't understand! :) I am about to talk to Jim about how to go about advertising for this, so keep your eyes open for the info! You also might e-mail me so I won't forget to notify you. Tell your friends! It's going to be the best photo party you've ever been to! Yippee! #10880

Jim l. Carper August 07, 2002

Congrats on your win, Piper...a lovely photograph, and thanks for the nice comment on my "Vlad" photo....from the Birdman :^) #10885

Piper Lehman August 07, 2002

Thanks, Birdman! :) #10888

Linda Slater August 07, 2002

Congrats Piper your the star this month one for the girls H00RAY #10913

Piper Lehman August 07, 2002

Hey, you're right! I never thought of the sex thing, but I can't remember the last time one of us gals won the grand prize. (I'm sure someone will be along soon to prove me wrong...).

Girl Power! Yahoo!
Thanks a bunch, Linda! #10914

Katherine Chan August 07, 2002

Really love this shot! One of your best! Congratulations! #10916

Jeff Galbraith August 07, 2002

Congratulations Piper,
What can I say--grand prize winner--wow. Does this mean that you will have two web sites now? LOL. #10918

Piper Lehman August 07, 2002

Hey now! Thanks a bunch, Jeff. You know I've been submitting to this contest for 2 years on a regular basis--it was just my turn, I guess.

Thanks for the comments! I'm opting for the next prize down, by the way. :) #10920

Anni Vagner Eriksen August 07, 2002

Congratulations Piper...
This is one of your best, so it's a real winner.
A. Vagner, Denmark #10922

June Marie Sobrito August 07, 2002

Congratulations, Piper! This is just a fabulous shot! #10941

Mike Hollman August 07, 2002

Hi Piper, congratulations on a great shot!!

Mike. #10950

Piper Lehman August 07, 2002

Thanks, everyone!! #10951

George Corbin August 07, 2002

Stunning, Piper! Congrats on such an excellent shot! #10967

Piper Lehman August 07, 2002

Thanks, George! #10970

August 08, 2002

Way to go girlfriend! You deserve it !
I'm really pleased for you :)
Keep up the great work Piper.
All the best #10988

Piper Lehman August 08, 2002

Thanks, Robert and another big thank you to everyone. These comments mean more to me than any contest win. I appreciate your feedback so much.

I encourage you all to either continue discussions or get back into the groove here at BP. Somehow, and I'm guilty as well, we've all shifted our attentions away from "talking shop" -- away from helping each other with thoughtful critiques -- to only competing in the contest. I'd really appreciate it if you'd join me in making an effort to click that "incoming" link whenever you sign on and critiquing at least 5-10 images before going over to the contest entries.

A good way to ignite those discussions is to add your technical info with each submission--whether in the contest or in the regular discussion forums. Seems to me most of us have gradually stopped doing this over the last few months.

There are a lot of really good images coming in on the regular queue--not meant for the contest at all. I have been trying to comment on each day's incoming shots whenever I sit down here. It only takes a few minutes.

Thanks again for all your kind words. I have said before that I frequently disagree with the judges' choice for Grand Prize. Not always, mind you, but sometimes. This months' is no exception. I'm still racking my brain to figure out what hallucinogen the judges have to have been snorting this month. There were so MANY fabuloso images in the finalist list. I won't go as far as revealing my favorites here--you already know who you are...

Cheers everyone!

P.S. Tom S. and I are planning a Photography Weekend Fieldtrip in Central Texas for sometime in the fall. All you non-Texans (poor souls...) are invited to come too. We haven't mapped out the details yet, but we will try to post an ad somewhere around here soon. You are free to e-mail me or Tom if you're interested in coming. It's going to be a great party.



Eileen Iaquinto August 08, 2002

Hey Piper -
I love your suggestion about making an effort to comment on more photos and am going to do this myself, I swear! The best part of this site is that we can help and encourage each other!!
I do love your photo, though, and wanted to make sure I got in my two cents worth - what a wonderful job!! #11030

Piper Lehman August 08, 2002

Thank you, Eileen! Much appreciated.

I meant to add that we should also try and answer some of the questions that come in on the Q&A. There are so many levels of expertise here at BP and so many people who have found their "niche." Share your knowledge and experiences with technique, equipment, and creativity!

Thanks again, Eileen. And thanks for "swearing." :) #11031

Vincent Lowe August 08, 2002

Congrats Piper - great shot! I'd love to come on your Texan weekend shindig. It's a bit far from the UK but I know you are all oil millionaires in Texas (we got 'Dallas' over here ya'know) so book me on Concorde will you? #11046

Piper Lehman August 08, 2002

I've got a better idea. Why don't you fly me to Manchester, and we'll call it even...

or something like it.

Thanks for the funny. Made my day. #11051

Jonah Calinawan August 10, 2002


WOW!!!!Absolutely stunning stunning image! #11199

Hayley Brooks Thistlethwaite August 15, 2002

I absolutely love the textures ! Congratulations and good job ! #11544

Jeff Dykes August 15, 2002

Hi Piper I too would have liked to come along for your field trip but I cant afford to fly out from Australia. But maybe one day when my photographs get recognized and people would want to pay me money for them LoL:), until then have a good trip and a drink on me.
Cheers!! Jeff. #11652

Piper Lehman August 15, 2002

Thanks, all! Jeff, you can invite me to your place anytime. I've been fantasizing about Australia for the longest. Have met many new e-mail friends from Oz and from across the ditch there in Kiwiland, but the only Aussies I've ever met in person are famous ones. Go figure. #11654

Jeff Dykes August 15, 2002

Hey Piper consider yourself invited anytime :). #11655

Janelle Barry August 16, 2002

Add me to your list of admirers, Piper - this is an amazingly simple photo but filled with such grace and beauty - and texture too! Congratulations on your grand prize win - I'm SO HAPPY for you! #11747

Johnathan R. Peal August 18, 2002

I also wanted to say congratulations. This photo is a great one. I haven't had an internet connection for awhile so I haven't been able to visit and comment on anyone's photos, but I just wanted to say well done.


Piper Lehman August 18, 2002

Thanks, Johnathan! I know the feeling of losing your connection. You start to wonder, 'what do people do without the internet?!' Hope you found something productive to do, like shoot more photos! Sometimes I think I'm spending too much time in this chair and not enough out THERE with my camera... #11831

Hisham Isa August 25, 2002

Piper....Congratulations, havent been here for a while and am glad to see you've made an impact with the judges...

H #12405

Ray Charles May 26, 2019

Great work Piper, I don't know why I did not see this one. Congratulations. #37892

October 21, 2003

This is such an extraordinary photo. How were you able to get such a clear picture through glass - polarizer filter? Did you have any control over the lighting or were you in a public venue? Absolutely great work, one of your best! :) #240932

July 20, 2004

wow great picture .. I like it simple but it speaks volume...:-)..tonya #661615

Firas A. Abussaud December 02, 2007

this is really a gr8 pic.congratulations. #5158384

Gordon McGregor June 15, 2016

lovely! #11485270

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