Guess Who

© Saji Antony

Guess Who

Uploaded: January 28, 2010 00:35:13


Tammy Espino March 26, 2010

Do tell, I have NO idea what this is, but what a cool capture!! #1252414

Nancy (Peaches) Harker March 26, 2010

LOL awsome, very funny what is it???? #8482413

Deborah J. Bibbins March 26, 2010

I'm gonna say a Beaver? Very cool, Congrates on your finalist pick. #8484538

Saji Antony March 27, 2010

Thanks everybody... Yes deborah... its a beaver.... #8489180

Nick Lagos March 28, 2010

A very unique image Saji...good luck #8490720

Donna La Mattino Pagakis March 28, 2010

Too cool Saji! Congratulations on your win! #8492024

Cindy Bendush level-classic March 28, 2010

Oh - funny! I had the same 'what-is-it?' reaction! Great capture and winner - congratulations! #8492121

Saji Antony March 29, 2010

Thank you guys #8492308

Mary K. Robison March 29, 2010

Whimsical capture and caption, Saji. Whooo knew his nostrils could resemble an owl's eyes?
CONGRATULATIONS on your well-earned win! #8492341

Deborah J. Bibbins March 29, 2010

Cogratulations, Saji. #8492502

Bunny Snow March 29, 2010

Awesome capture and very creative POV, wonderful composition and tonality.
I've never seen a beaver from this view point. You must have been lying down on the bank awaiting his surfacing.

Congratulations on you well-earned win, Saji! #8493725

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic March 29, 2010


UB. #8496284

Toni Riggs March 31, 2010

Congrats! #8499389

Anne McKinnell April 01, 2010

That's a beaver? You would think I know what a beaver looks like coming from Canada but I didn't know what it was either!! Congratulations on your beautiful winner. #8503566

Nick Lagos April 06, 2010

Well deserved win Saji...congrats to you #8514406

Karen Celella April 10, 2010

Congratulations on your wonderful winner Saji. #8524012

Saji Antony April 10, 2010

Thank you guys #8524353

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