Bison breath

© Ronnie E. Howard

Bison breath

Uploaded: May 22, 2005 04:41:55


taken in Bonduratnt Wyoming


Laura Clay-Ballard May 22, 2005

ronnie, this is so lovely. This is something you don't see everyday. wow. Wish I could see something like this in person .. thanks for taking this photo! #252295

Jim Kinnunen level-classic May 22, 2005

Wonderful image, Ronnie!!! #1380871

Ronnie E. Howard May 22, 2005

Thanks Laura and Jim for taking the time to comment on my image. It's much appreciated. Ronnie

Bunny Snow April 02, 2008

Wonderful capture, Ronnie.

Is this part of the herd at Yellowstone National Park, which are America's last, free-roaming herd and descendents of the 23 buffalo that were given sanctuary in the park after the mass eradication of this species in the 19th century?

If it is, the National Park Service should be acting as the guardian of this herd, not participating in its execution.

While the mass killing of these buffalo has been justified on the grounds of preventing the spread of brucellosis, there are only some 200 cows grazing in the lands where these buffalo roam. The risk of disease is largely theoretical and wildly exaggerated since brucellosis has never been transmitted from bison to cattle in a natural setting -- and these cows can be vaccinated against the disease if they haven't been already.

More than 1,200 wild buffalo and their babies have been slaughtered this winter for the sake of 200 cows!

The National Park Service to stop exterminating buffalo and start protecting them. Yellowstone Park should be a safe haven for buffalo.

For more information and immediate action, go to:

Bunny #5736199

Ronnie E. Howard April 03, 2008

Hi Bunny, No this is not from Yellowstone. It was taken about 50 miles south of Jackson, Wyoming. My wife and I live near Jackson and we are so upset about the bison that have been sent to slaughter for no reason. I know they said 1200 but what about the females that were sent that were pregnant. Also this past fall hunters were given permits to kill bison as they migrated to the National Elk refuge for winter. The game and fish said the herd in Grand Teton needed to be reduced. We don't understand this either.This certainly was not hunting.Also yesterday in the paper the first wolves in the area near Jaclkson were killed by hunters. They can be killed with no requirements in most of Wyoming, Idao, and Montana. I guess they will eradicate the wolves again. I just don't get it.

Ronnie #5738373

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