Twisted Licorice Harvest

© Wally Orlowsky

Twisted Licorice Harvest

Uploaded: October 24, 2017 04:53:35 | Entered: October 24, 2017 04:57:17


On the Balkan island of Kurdonia, Fall is harvest time for licorice twists. These strange fruits start off green, then turn red, and finally ripen to black. Only the black ones have the licorice flavor. However, some red ones are usually harvested and flavored with strawberry for export sales.
Okay, this is an unedited photo of my wife harvesting them in my backyard.


Michele Peterson level-classic October 24, 2017

Wow! Where can I buy a tree? That would save lots of trips to the store on movie night. :-)
Great photo and creativity, Wally. #1698307

Bob Cournoyer level-classic October 24, 2017

Superb creativity!! #11651774

Chris Budny level-deluxe October 25, 2017

Love a good story, with photographic proof to back it up! ;) #11651949

Nikki McDonald level-classic November 30, 2017

Wonderful win, Wally . . . clever and funny and very well done. Love the back story :) Congratulations. #11661247

Terry A. Stoa December 02, 2017

Cool! I never knew that you could get black (my favorite) AND red from the very same tree. #11661982

Michele Peterson level-classic December 02, 2017

Ha... I laugh every time I see this one, Wally. So fun! Congratulations on the win!! #11662046

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