A Shadow of a Reflection

© Hayden Cannon

A Shadow of a Reflection

Uploaded: October 26, 2016 19:11:24 | Entered: October 26, 2016 19:15:48


Reflection/shadow of a Marri Trees leaf that has decayed to a skeleton. I thought it made for a fantastic photo.


Barbara Socor October 26, 2016

An elegant and creative image beautifully presented. Outstanding! #1672109

Hayden Cannon October 27, 2016

Thank you so much for your kind words and feedback Barbara, I really appreciate it 😊 #11530905

Susan M. Campbell October 27, 2016

This is very nice! #11531152

Michele Peterson level-classic October 28, 2016

Impressive details, I would agree this has made a fantastic photo. What is the leaf on to create the reflection? Really neat image. #11531515

Hayden Cannon October 29, 2016

@Susan thank you for your kind words I really appreciate them 😊.
@Michele thank you for your kind words and feedback. The reflective surface was my bedside table which is a shiny black finish. I noticed it one day as I had the leaf resting on it for a few days and I thought I really should get a photo of this. So one day I did 😊 #11531528

Terry Cervi level-deluxe November 05, 2016

It does make a fantastic image, Hayden! A stunning image! #11534635

Hayden Cannon November 05, 2016

Thank you again so much for all your kind words and comments. I am glad you are enjoying my work. I woke up and went to sleep with this on my bedside table for a few days before I actually decided to make the shot and I am glad I did. Thanks again Terry! :) #11534696

Natasha Pliss level-classic November 06, 2016

It's a beautiful and unique image, Hayden! Fabulous find and excellent execution. I love the tones and superb details. A fave. #11535195

Hayden Cannon November 06, 2016

Thank you so much for your time and kind words Natasha. I am glad you like it! Thanks again :) #11535324

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