Measure Twice, Cut Once

© Mitch Spence

Measure Twice, Cut Once

Uploaded: February 16, 2014 | Entered: February 04, 2019 06:07:28


Category: Tools of the Trade (details/macro)

Exif: F Number: 6.3, Exposure Bias Value: 0.33, ExposureTime: 1/80 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 800, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 105.00 mm, Model: NIKON D7100


JO ANN CLEVELAND February 16, 2014

Very unique Mitch and kool for sure!

jo ann c. #1563811

Carolyn M. Fletcher level-classic February 16, 2014

At least twice! Very cool shot! #10977365

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe February 16, 2014

Great capture and presentation! #10977388

Michelle Alton February 16, 2014

Norm! I like the theme and the way you show by DOF that measuring isn't as easy as it seems!

This triggered a memory--we used to have a handyman who measured once, didn't write it down, and then made perfect cuts, each and every time. Then tragedy struck--while working one day (at my then boss's house) two brain aneurysms ruptured. He recovered, but could never again remember a measurement long enough to even write it down. So sad. #10977461

David Phalen February 16, 2014

A unique and creative set up and capture!!

Reminds me of a story my used to tell of a fellow workman who when asked to measure a board came with, "twice to me elbow and these two nails." #10977511

Avril Young February 16, 2014

ha ha so true...wonderful focus.. #10977599

Joy Rector February 17, 2014

great shot #10977838

Amanda D. Austwick level-classic April 01, 2019

Wonderful image Mitch, and Congratulations on your Gold! #11758604

Candice C. Calhoun level-deluxe April 01, 2019

Congratulations! A terrific winner!

ccc #11758705

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe April 05, 2019

Congrats on your Win Mitch! #11759559

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