Tea Time

© Rita Hill

Tea Time

Uploaded: March 04, 2012


Floating photography experiment shoot in my kitchen using light from window. 50mm, f6.3, 1/125th sec. Photoshop layers.

Exif: F Number: 6.3, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/125 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 1100, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 50.00 mm, Model: NIKON D700


Merna L. Nobile March 24, 2012

You are amazing! The way you put a photo shoot together makes me realize that you really do not need to leave home to have a winning image. Megalito likes it too. Merna #1451684

Kim Andelkovic May 01, 2012

Congrats on a great finalist Rita my dear :-)

Merna L. Nobile May 01, 2012

Hi Rita: I told you I told you I told you! Your work is always the very best! Congratulations you deserve it and you will always have my admiration. Merna #10117038

Nancy Marie Ricketts May 01, 2012

My money's on you, Rita! This is just great-very well constructed. A winner for sure, IMO. Congratulations on this superlative finalist! #10117076

Phyllis A. Houghton May 01, 2012

Congratulations on your awesome finalist, Rita! WTG! #10117171

Rita Hill level-classic May 01, 2012

Thank you all for the very nice comments. It was a very difficult shoot but fun also. Love you all. #10117188

Debbie Bray May 02, 2012

Outstanding, Rita! Congratulations on your finalist!!! Great image, and I love how it all came together for you! #10117645

Debbie Bray May 05, 2012

Now I'm saying a huge congratulations on your WINNER Rita!! Well deserved, a real beauty! #10123820

Kim Andelkovic May 05, 2012

Congratulations Rita....WTG :-)

David M. Montero May 11, 2012

Marvelous work Rita. Congratulations on scoring gold! #10134446

Diane Underwood May 25, 2012

Congratulations Rita... WOW... very creative.. love the bright colors
Could see this in a magazine :) #10149713

Rita Hill level-classic May 28, 2012

Thank you Diane, so nice of you to say this would be great in a magazine :) Love your work also.

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