BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Indoor/Low-Light Photography

Photography Question 


Shooting Pictures Indoors

Is there any way to take indoor pictures with the absence of a tripod and a flash besides a higher speed film?

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June 12, 2004


Dave Cross
  Hi Julie. You have four variables when you take a photograph: 1) shutter speed; 2) lens aperture; 3) film speed. 4) light level.

To avoid camera shake, you should not use a shutter speed lower than 1/your lens focal length if you are hand-holding (1/50 sec if you have a 50mm lens). If your lens opens wide enough to give you a satisfactory exposure, great. If not (since you don't want to increase the film speed), your only other solution is more light. If you don't want to use flash, you need to get as many ordinary lights on as you can, try putting larger bulbs in the fittings. If you have multiple light sources, watch out for horrible shadows. Cheers, DC

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June 13, 2004


Gregg Vieregge
  I just bought the Nikon 28-120 VR for my Fuji S2 digital. VR stands for vibration reduction. I can now take pictures down to 1/8 second without a tripod and get incredible sharpness. ISO200. I'm very pleased. $535

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June 15, 2004


Rhonda Kramer
  Hi Julie. Get as close as you can to the window. Open all the blinds/curtains, turn the lights on and use a reflector. If you don't have one, a bit of white card or even a car window shade (gold, silver or white) can help. Or you could try aluminum foil too. Just watch with the silver foil that you do not get too much light in one area. Ensure you have the reflector on the shadow side reflecting the light back into your subject. If you do not have a tripod, try bracing yourself by leaning on a chair/coffee table for support. Also ensure your subject stays really still. It might be enough to save the day. If the people need to be moving, I think you need to look at a faster lens (something that can open up wider - F1.4 2.8 etc., flash, and/or a tripod). Hope this helps.

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June 16, 2004


Scott Pedersen
  Under indoor lighting you will need a 80A filter for under toungsten lighting or a toungsten balanced film. you will need a diffent filter for under floresent lights. Pay attention to your meeter, that will tell you if you can handhold or not. You will need to use a 400 speed or greater film to handhold.

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June 22, 2004

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