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Category: Photo Editing Software

Photography Question 

Ralph Enstad

Photo Software Packages: What's Best for Me?

I want to place high school sports pictures for sale on a Web site. My computer has Adobe PhotoDeluxe, Business Edition 1.1. Is this going to be a good software package to scan, crop, and send to a Web site? Or should I look for a new edition of PhotoShop? Do either of these packages provide for lower resolution transfer to the Web site so viewers cannot download and print a high-quality print? Thanks.

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March 25, 2004


John Kratz
  Ralph, I've been using PhotoDeluxe to scan and crop pictures for years, and it has always served me well. With it, you can also specify resolution or simply use the slider bar when saving as a JPEG to raise or lower the image quality. PhotoShop certainly has many more features, but if PhotoDeluxe does what you need it to do, why spend the extra money?

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March 26, 2004


Denise N
  First of all, why are you concerned about viewers being able to download and print photos? I am a parent that is grateful that my sons' schools put photos on their website because sometimes that is the only way I can get a team photo or photos of some of their class trips etc. If I asked them to get me a copy of the photos, it would never happen, they just wouldn’t do it, they can’t. So, since it is a high school (and you’re not talking about a college or professional team etc.), why would you ever be concerned about viewers downloading and using the photos. I am a parent that does a lot of scrapbooking and count on those pictures on the website to use in my scrapbooks. This is the whole reason they are on the website, so parents that cannot go to every field trip or sporting event, etc. can see them and use them. Come on, if your angle is to make money off of this, it’s inappropriate for the high school level. I’m tired of people always trying to make people’s lives stressful in order to make a buck. Come on and save them so people can use them, my school does this as a service for parents and so should you.

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March 30, 2004


Kris Lingle
  Just a quick note. The new Adobe Photoshop Elements 2 does a great job of all of the above plus. You can also set up picture packages and quick fix. Might be a good choice. Also not as bad as full photoshopa at less then 100.00

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March 31, 2004

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