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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Shooting Group Photos - What to Wear?

I am getting ready to set up a photo shoot for two high-level corporate groups (one with about seven people, one with about 15). What should I tell them to wear or not to wear for the photo?

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January 22, 2004


Buddy Purugganan
  It would be really formal or even proper for the corporate individuals to wear either fine suits complete with ties and look real professional with dark matching colors (avoid pastels or anything loud). Those wearing glasses will have to do without them during the shoot though a few might have to adjust their head angle to avoid reflection from the camera flash. Make them feel relaxed as to avoiding making them rather self-conscious or looking like standing in front of a firing squad! Anyway, hope it turns out well---

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January 26, 2004


Thea Menagh
  Hi, Jane ... I've shot several large groups, and have discovered something which puts individuals at ease, and creates a fun atmosphere among the entire group! Asking people to change something they're used to (as Buddy suggests ... "those wearing glasses will have to do without them during the shoot" ... makes them uncomfortable and fidgety. When doing such a shoot, I carry a bag with frames in a variety of sizes & styles ... WITH THE LENSES REMOVED. I've bought them at a thrift store for about $2 each, so the expense was minimal! I dump the contents of my bag on the conference table, and suggest every glass-wearing person choose one which is nearest to the actual glasses he/she's wearing. Everyone thinks this is a big joke ... and most clever! Hope this helps you a little bit. p.s. I wear glasses myself, and know how 'bare' I feel without them. I'm getting contacts soon ... and I may start carrying around a little blanket!)

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January 28, 2004

- Greg McCroskery

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Greg McCroskery
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The clothing issue really depends on who you're shooting and what your client is wanting to portray with the images you are producing. For example, execs from a large law firm would probably want to be shown in business-formal attire; whereas, a group of execs from a company that builds BBQ pits might want to be shown in jeans and boots. Talk to your clients. Above all, make sure their dress is coordinated, and not distracting. Best of luck!
God Bless,

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January 29, 2004

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