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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Taking Better 35mm Slides With Nikon F-100

Do you have a course that deals with the Nikon F-100 and the various settings and their use in taking great photos? In my first 6 months with the F-100, I have 90% great photos and 10% poor photos. This I find unacceptable. Which course will help me?

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November 18, 2003


Kerry Drager
  Hi Gordon: A good question! Almost all of the issues, problems, creative shooting techniques, etc., apply to just about any camera - thus, there's not a specific course that deals only with a specific camera. So, once you know what a particular camera feature or setting does, it's easy to apply it to your own camera. In fact, most photography subjects apply to both film AND digital!!

BetterPhoto has an exciting - and ever-expanding array - of online courses. Here's a step-by-step approach to figuring out exactly which course might be right for you:

1) Take a look at every course title listed on BetterPhoto's home page, and then jot down the ones that sound most interesting to you.

2) Check the full course description for each class you're interested in. This should really help you narrow down the choices.

3) Consult the Course Outline and/or Questions and Answers for each class (there are links at the end of each course description) ... this will further trim your list of possibilities.

4) If you have any other questions relating to the course content, or to the skill level and/or equipment requirements, feel free to e-mail the instructor directly.

Good luck with your decision-making, Gordon!!

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November 18, 2003

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