BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: The Dark Room & Hints - Developing & Printing

Photography Question 

Megan E. Elder

Dark Room Troubles

The dark room is really getting me down. I've been shooting digital pix for over a year now, but I am currently employed at a publication using film. It's simple black and white processing, but I can't seem to get my negs to turn out. Three times now I'll run film through the chemicals but the negs come out completely clear. It looks like I exposed them, but I'm pretty sure I didnt. Could there be a problem with my chemicals? They've been in that cabinet for at least 4 months. Do they stop working or something? What am I doing wrong!?

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September 22, 2003


Sarah R. Gipson
  That has happened to me a lot of times and it always had to do with my camera. It would just act like it was taking my pictures but it didnt. so I went and got my camera fixed and now it works. If they the chemicals are sealed with a lid, they should still be ok. also just make sure that you dont have any light coming in. but just to be safe, I would try out new chemicals

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September 23, 2003

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