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Category: How to Work with Photos and Film Equipment

Photography Question 

Frank E. Gregory

How to Shoot Nightime Lightning

I live in an area that has amazing lightning around this time of year. I am wondering what the best settings and film type would be to acheave great results? Any additional information would be greatly appreciated.

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July 01, 2003


John A. Lind
First, think about safety. You DON'T want to do this if the electrical storm is anywhere near you. Being struck by lighting could ruin your day, and a camera on a tripod outdoors has some similarities to a short lightning rod.

The general method is nearly identical to that used for aerial fireworks, except it needs one stop more exposure:

1. ISO 64-125 film is recommended (slower film works better).
2. Use a lens appropriate with how far the lightning is and how you want to compose the photograph.
3. Use sturdy tripod and cable release to operate shutter.
4. Focus at "infinity"
5. Exposure for lightning strikes is set with aperture only and is determined by film speed:
ISO 25 - 50 -- f/4
ISO 64 - 125 -- f/5.6
ISO 160 - 200 -- f/8
ISO 320 - 400 -- f/11
6. Aim in general direction of the lightning strikes. Occasionally check and change composition as desired and as storm moves.
7. Set shutter on "B"
8. Open shutter and hold shutter open until you get the number of lightning strikes desired, but no longer than 8 seconds.
9. Wind film and repeat.

There is an enormous element of luck in this. Unlike fireworks where you can hear the sound of a rocket launch and reasonably predict where it will burst in the sky, you cannot predict the next lighting strike, or where it will occur. If you see it and then attempt to open the shutter, it's too late; you've already missed it.

Again, safety in doing this should be your number ONE priority.

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July 03, 2003


Frank E. Gregory
  Thank you for the great information. I will make sure I am around to enjoy some great pictures.

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July 03, 2003

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