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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Digital Ideas

I have a simple point and shoot Kodak digital camera. Does anyone have any suggestions for what to shoot for a project at school? I can shoot anything I want, but I can't seem to find anything interesting.

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December 15, 2002


Damian P. Gadal
  There are plenty of things to shoot all around you... you just need to get in the right frame of mind.

If you haven't read it already, I would recommend Bryan Peterson's Learning To See Creatively - it's a wonderful book!

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December 21, 2002


Hank Greenfield
  One of my favorite assignments asks the student to find an object and take a series of pictures of it.
You could use an apple on a windowsill or a bridge or an old farm house.
THe idea is to take 20 or 30 images and make eack one different. Use different lighting, camera angle, time of day, weather, filter - anything you can think of. Don't foreget to photograph the pieces that make up the whole.
This exercise is designed to make you look at the same object in different ways throughout the course of a week or so. Think about what you are doing and trying to do between each session.
You will look at every photo opportunity differently after you've done this exercise.

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January 08, 2003

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