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Photography Question 

Pamela K. Barrett

Modeling Lamp

I seem to have frequent problems with my modeling lamps blowing out. Replacing them doesn't work. I expect the internal fuse is what continues to blow out. What should I do to keep this from happening so often?

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March 31, 2011

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  It could be the fuse, although I thought the purpose of a fuse was to sacrifice itself to prevent a current surge from reaching the working end of the circuit (the bulb). It could be a regulator somewhere that's letting too much current get through.
If the power can be adjusted for the modeling light, turn them on at the lowest level, then bring it up to where you want it - instead of turning it on at a bright level. That may prolong them a little. Regular bulbs usually blow when you first turn them on because of going from cold to hot so quickly. That's why light dimmers make bulbs last longer.

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March 31, 2011

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