BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Sheila Pittman

photoshop CS2 verses CS5

I just recently upgraded to CS5 I have been using CS2.
I could open a photo in cs2 and any where on that photo
I could take the Marquee took and set the style to Fixed size,
then I could hold down my Ctrl button and hit Backspace and
it would open up a hole in that layer (photo).
I could then take another photo select it,
copy it, and then paste it behind the opening I made with the marquee
tool on the first photo.....the pasted photo would show through and then I could
size it to fit the hole ...With CS5 when I use the marquee tool it will
cut out a hole but when I paste the other photo it is always on top of the layer.
I can put it underneath but it wont show threw , how do you get
it to paste underneath and show through. I have some examples in my gallery where I use this to make collages

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February 09, 2011

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