BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Deluxe Web Sites

Photography Question 

Eli Boschetto

Character Limits and Other Issues

1. I am using one of my wildcard pages to display a gallery of articles and downloadable pdfs with links that take up alot of characters. This is severely limiting the amount of content I can place on these pages. Is it possible to extend - or eliminate - the character limits for these pages?

2. Also, where do I find - or activate - these new navigation tabs to make gallery browsing easier?

3. I am most interested in fully customizing my website with the design/layout/colors I want to use. I have found that the limited selections offered are very frustrating. Can you open up some new options for custom designers to personalize their sites, i.e: fully customizable home page; no preset color palette, but hex code option; upload options for backgrounds; buttons; thumbnail/small image posting so don't have to link to external sources; etc?

thank you

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November 05, 2010

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