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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Rhonda Royse

Exporting from Lightroom - Grainey pictures!

I use lightroom for all of my processing at the moment (hope some day to learn photoshop) However when I export them for the web, and lost them, they are horibly grainey and look terrible. I am obviously doing something wrong. Can someone point me in teh right direction of what settings to use for posting on web and what setting to use for printing?

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October 12, 2010


Bill Lewis
  What level of quality are you using when you export? What size is the image when captured in the camera?. Is it grain or pixelization that you are seeing?
I always reduce noise in my images with lightrooms noise slider. I don't usually see a difference in image quality after exporting. Are you using a user preference? Maybe you have selected a user preference that adds grain.

Hope this helps.

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December 03, 2010

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