BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Deluxe Web Sites

Photography Question 

Bill Grisaitis

export plug in

is there an export plug in for lightroom to put my photos in better photo?

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April 11, 2010


R K Stephenson
  There is no plugin similar to the WP plugin that I know of.

Let me know if you have any questions about exporting images from Lightroom.

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April 11, 2010


Bill Grisaitis
  thanks... so how do I export images from lightroom to betterphoto?

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April 12, 2010


R K Stephenson
  Its a two-part process: export from LightRoom, then upload via BP.

EXPORT from LightRoom
If you want to export a whole bunch of images you can create templates in the Web pane that will do everything automatically. (Same with the Print pane.)

To export one or just a few images, follow these steps:

- In Develop, select your photo. (Click on it to highlight it.)
- Under the Files menu, choose Export. The Export dialog box will pop up.
- From the Export dialog box
-- Under "Export Location" choose
--- where you want to export (save) your photo (c:\BP photos, e.g.)
--- the file format (JPG?)
-- Under "File Settings" choose
--- color space (sRGB for web?)
-- Under "Image Sizing" choose
--- the size and resolution (72dpi for the web?)

You can also apply some standard sharpening and add your copyright data (set elsewhere in LR configuration) in this dialog box.

UPLOAD to BetterPhoto
Next, to upload to BetterPhoto go to your Member Center and select "Upload New Photos" from the "Gallery Images" menu (to add to your Gallery) or "Image Uploader" from the "Enter our monthly contest from:" menu (to enter a photo in the monthly contest).

You must have Java enabled to use the uploader.

Just follow the directions/enter appropriate information on the upload page.

When you get to the "drag and drop" uploader, navigate to the folder where you saved your exported image(s).

Click on the photo you want to upload to highlight it (or Ctrl-Click to add multiple photos) and click "Add".

When you have all of the photos you want to upload highlighted, click the "Upload" button.

(NOTE: only upload one contest entry per day.)

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April 12, 2010

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