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Category: Software Techniques, Tips, & Tricks

Photography Question 


Selective Color in B&W Photo

I've seen pictures that are in black and white, but something in the photo is in color. What is an easy software to do this in for a beginner? Thanks.

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September 19, 2008


Try typing "selective colouring" in the search box, and hitting Enter, Cheryl.

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September 19, 2008


Dorean Beattie
  I use Photoshop Elements and do this successfully using layers. I'm sure there are other ways to do it, but here is my method:
Create an adjustment layer (in the "Layers" menu). Choose "hue/saturation". Next desaturate the "master" on that layer. The next step is to paint over the areas you want to retain color with the paintbrush tool, using black as the color. That will remove the layer effect from those areas, returning them to their original color. Easy...

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September 29, 2008


  The world is your oyster
The world is your oyster


A 'History Brush' is easier:

1) desaturate the image to B/W
2) choose "History Brush" and paint where you want the color back in.
I know $600 CS3 Photoshop has it. And $85 Photoshop Elements. Fellow board members want to suggest others?
Have fun!

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September 29, 2008

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