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Photography Question 


Sharpening Workflow

Hello, friends:
I have just finished editing a banquet, and the photos are still in the psd format. But I plan on converting the copies to be sent to JPEG. I will be delivering the photos on a disk, and a few are to be printed then delivered. Should I sharpen the photos after or before converting to JPEG. Thanks to all!

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August 24, 2008


Richard Lynch
  Sharpening should be assessed with all the care that you apply any other image correction. That is, don't assume an image needs sharpening just because it is in a 'group'. If you have changed lenses, if you have changed subject and focal length, etc., the need for sharpening may be very different and even UNDESIRABLE in some cases.

Also, do you need to convert to JPEG? It is a lossy format which will degrade your images (maybe slightly depending on your settings, but you do not state what those are).

We all work very hard to get image quality...and spend lots of time and money doing it. it is best to try to keep as much quality as possible by knowing what to do definitively with those images.

Converting to JPEG is not the best choice in a workflow if it can be avoided.

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August 24, 2008


In response to the answer you gave above, I decided to research the photo editing classes you offer, and the feedback from various sources is very positive. My accumulated photo editing experience is approx. 3 months. At what level class do you recommend I sign up for.
Thanks again!

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August 25, 2008


Richard Lynch
When I was learning image editing, there were no books or resources, and even the user guides were a bit scant. Really it took me several years of trial and error to approach what I think currently is 'intermediate'. If you've been plodding around and really aren't sure of what you are doing in the program, I'd start with PS101, which goes into a lot of things that are essential, and not totally beginning (initial color management setup; how to handle resolution, saving and storing images; what tools to use (and necessarily those to avoid); and defining a standard workflow for color correction and repair). Many people who take my intermediate and advanced courses find themselves going back and taking the 101 course, so I recommend it for almost anyone. However, if you feel pretty situated in the program, and you are in control of resolution, color management, the interface, and have a basic workflow, you might be ready for Correct & Enhance.

If I can answer additional questions, please let me know.

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August 26, 2008

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