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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Kristy A. Keene

Stock Photography

I am thinking about getting into selling my images on istock and I was wondering if anyone had any advice about it. I would like to know the good and the bad of starting this venture. Any advice is appreciated!!! Thanks 8o)

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May 30, 2008


Oliver Anderson
  Hey Kristy, I've got 3 Stock Photography friends (how they make a living). The photos they sell most frequently are less artsy than yours...(I like the screw photo). The one thing I can tell you is to make sure you've got a bunch of different type images then you can discover what sells for you best and move in that direction. The Getty guys had to have some INSANE amount of images in order to be approved I think. I think IStock allows any amount of images so its a great place to start.

Editor's Note: Also, BetterPhoto offers an excellent course on the subject - Stock Photography Boot Camp - taught by an established pro (Scott Stulberg) who is represented by Corbis, Getty, Alamy and Superstock.

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May 30, 2008


Dale M. Garvey
  Find a subject that you enjoy and then read through Photographer's Market for a company that wants those types of photos. I shoot for Referee Magazine and a college text book company and that is the way I found them.

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June 03, 2008


Margot Petrowski
  Hi Kristy,
I have been with istock and some other microstock agencies for close to a year and a half now. I can tell you that stock agencies especially istock are very particular about digital noise in your images. You must have a digital SLR, not a point and shoot. I have both and none of the images that I have taken with the point and shoot have ever been accepted.
Also, stock agencies generally don't like highly photoshopped images. They really want straight photos and are getting even more particular due to the amount of images submitted. People images that convey some kind of emotion or message are big right now. To see my portfolio, go to

Once there, click on view member portfolio. My portfolio is not huge, but it is a small side income for me. Email me if you have any questions. Good luck!!

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June 03, 2008


Kristy A. Keene
  Thanks everyone, I appreciate all your help and advice! :)

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June 03, 2008

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