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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How to Merge Photos for Panoramas

In Photoshop, when I merge two photographs together using the Photomerge tool, at the locations where the photos overlap a little, the color is darker. Now can I get the overlapping portions not to be a different color?

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December 17, 2007

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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December 17, 2007


Richard Lynch
  Part of this will start with the shooting. Do you shoot on Auto? If so, when you move the camera to other parts of the panorama, the exposure will adjust, and that can lead to difference in the exposure, brightness and color of the overlaps. You want to set the exposure and control it for all the shots in the panorama. If you shoot in Raw, you'll want to make the conversions exactly the same way.
If you have already shot the panorama and the exposures are different, you have the much more difficult task of getting the parts to behave. When you make the panorama, you'll want to keep Photoshop from doing the merge for you and just create the image with layers. This way you'll be able to lighten dark shots in the series or darken bright ones to match manually. You will also be able to control masking and blending by other means (much of which I discuss in my online course - Leveraging Layers: Photoshop's Most Powerful Tool).
On top of this, you may need to do dodging and burning or other adjustments ... it isn't a simple answer - and often the automated ones are not the best: computers can't see.
Photoshop is an enabler: it enables you to do things. It is best at what it does when it acts as your tool to do your bidding with your direction rather than the mastermind.

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December 17, 2007

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