BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Indoor/Low-Light Photography

Photography Question 

Danette Volkmer

How to Shoot Indoor Ice Sculptures

My sister-in-law has asked me to help her photograph a company Christmas party, including large ice sculptures. She'd like shots of the sculptures and of the people there, etc. She's asked me to bring my camera (Canon 20D)and external flash (Canon 420EX) and flash bracket. Since the objects will be so light/transparent, what do you suggest as far as settings and any other tips?

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November 07, 2006


Bob Cammarata
  Shoot in ambient light and illuminate the ice from behind. Make sure that the ice is not totally transparent, or portions of it will overexpose from a bright backlight. The best time to photograph these works of art is soon after they've come out of the freezer and have been positioned on the display table. If the sculpture is displayed in front of a mirrored wall (which is commonly done), make sure to angle the composition so that nothing distracting will be seen in the reflection of the mirror.

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November 07, 2006


  Preparation! Preparation! Preparation! Go and view the venue with the organizer one of these days, and have him or her walk you through what will happen where. Take your camera to get a feel of what you will see in the viewfinder. That way, you can spot potential problems and think up solutions beforehand.

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November 08, 2006

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