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Category: Available Light in Photography

Photography Question 
- Jyan L. Crayton

Contact Jyan L. Crayton
Jyan L. Crayton's Gallery

Taking A Mirror Image

What's a good way to take a picture of someone while they're looking in the mirror without getting a glare? Thanks.

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June 07, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Hey Jyan: Remember, angle of incidence = angle of reflection. So you don't want to be in a position where your light source is going to reflect back at your lens. The trick to doing this is essentially to be off to the side of the subject and keep any artificial lighting you use, especially flash, indirect and somewhat on the diffused side. No, don't use a polarizing filter. Try that and see how you fare.
Take it light.

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June 07, 2006

- Jyan L. Crayton

Contact Jyan L. Crayton
Jyan L. Crayton's Gallery
  Thank You. I'm going try it.

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June 08, 2006


Bob Chance

another technique that I just recently used at the brides house. But it depends on how large the room is that you are shooting in.
In this case, I was shooting in a very confined entrance way. I was positioned off to the side, as Mark suggested, and had the brides mother positioned in the living room behin the bride. Rather than aim the flash directly, I bounced it off the ceiling. The result was fairly even illumination and no glare off of the mirror.
While the brides mother didn't receive as much light as the bride herself, this was a good thing, as I wanted her reflection played down a little.
I will try to upload the finished image so you can see.


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June 13, 2006


Roy Blinston
  I have been studying and observing "cinematic techniques" for years and noticed (many years ago) that whenever photographing a model looking into a mirror they always have the mirror angled to the camera ever so slightly... and when the model looks into the camera (via the mirror) you think she is looking at herself (when in reality this is not possible with the slight angle). This looks more natural and better if the model is posing or doing her hair or make-up (ie" supposedly looking at herself). It's only a little trick but it's a tried and proven method. Same goes for reflections in a pond etc.

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June 14, 2006


Debby A. Tabb
fugi s2/200/f22 3 light system
untouched-shot in black box, 3 sides of backdrop

Debby A. Tabb

This was taken in a black box- of material.
the lights were high and the backlight was used to lay on the ground
and point up as fill light.
it took time.

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June 14, 2006

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