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Category: Indoor/Low-Light Photography

Photography Question 

Linda Guidroz

How to Shoot a Dance Revue with No Flash

I have a Canon Digital Rebel. I was trying to shoot my grand-daughter's first dance revue last year. I used a tripod and no flash, and most of my pictures came out blurred. I really would like to take this year's pictures the right way. I am new to this. Does anyone have any suggestion that would help me out. I really don't want to disappoint my grandbaby this year. Help!!!

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March 04, 2005


Jon Close
  The least expensive way to get action stopping shutter speeds is to shoot at higher ISO, 800 or 1600. On the Digital Rebel, these higher speeds can only be used in the P, Tv, Av, and M modes. P is virtually as fully automatic and easy to use as the green box or the icon modes if you are not confident of using the other exposure modes.
A relatively inexpensive option is to use a "faster" (wider aperture) lens. The EF 50 f/1.8 costs less than $100, is very sharp, and at f/2 can give you 4x-8x faster shutter speed than the EF-S 18-55 f/3.5-5.6 kit lens. So, instead of 1/15 sec. and f/5.6 with the zoom, you could get 1/125 f/2 with the 50 f/1.8.

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March 04, 2005


  My children are competition dancers, and that is where my photography hobby is based. Before I bought my digital Canon 20D, I was using a Canon Rebel with every ISO type known to man. NOTHING made a difference until I bought a 2.8 lense. Suddenly, it seemed I had gotten a degree in photography. Now I am using this same lense on my 20D and the results are just amazing. I don't know much about photography (I barely know what shutter speed is) --- it's all just luck with me. However, I truly believe the answer in the equipment. There is no telling how much money I spent on film developing before I discovered the lens!

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March 28, 2005

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