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Category: Studio, Still, & Personal Portraiture Photography

Photography Question 


Lighting Option

I was told by my photography instructor that you can use the halogen or quartz work lights that you can buy at a home improvement store. Will this work, instead of the real expensive photography lights for a studio? I know there will be some softening of them but was just wondering.

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February 27, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  Sure, it will work. Just don't expect much in the way of quality light. Build yourself a flat panel with a piece of shower curtain stretched over it, maybe 2x3'. Then place this between the light and the subject for a better quality light.
Michael H. Cothran

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February 27, 2005


Norbert Maile
  Are you doing colour or black and white? For black and white this would be fine, but for colour you will either need lens filters or use daylight balanced lighting which is not much more than the lighting you are looking at. A low priced setup for colour is about $170.00 including the bulbs and 3 stands. Norbert Maile. Shadows Photography

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March 01, 2005


Sreedevi Kashi
  Actually, I've taken it upon myself to do this very thing. And I love it- it's great. If you want to change the quality of light, I usually use diluted white acrylic paint on the glass that covers the light- I find I can get some really nice quality to my light that way. And this tends to be a safer alternative as well- those lights get really hot, and you'd need extra stands to put anything in front of it.

The only problem is- I find it's a pain to find the right color of halogen bulb for those. They're not terribly expensive, just difficult to find. I'll take my camera filter- my 80B filter that I pop on my lens when shooting indoors- and try to again use the acrylic paints- diluted of course- to match that color. It's actually really easy. The last time I couldn't find cooler bulbs I painted the glass like that and haven't cleaned it off since.

And those lights are great, because they come with these great stands and you can maneuver them so many ways, and even stand them up on the floor if you have to. If you need any more ideas just ask- I come up with ways to do my photography and still pay my rent all the time.


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March 02, 2005

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