BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Studio, Still, & Personal Portraiture Photography

Photography Question 

Wayne Redden

Portrait Lighting

I want to take portraits. I have a Nikon N65 with a flash and flash bracket. Can anyone recommend an economical studio flash kit? Also, what will I need to use my camera with a studio flash kit; 1-3 flash units.

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January 13, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
Try Alien Bees, Novatron, Elinchrom, White Lightning, Comet, Dyna Light, Speedotron, and Norman. There are so many out there and available that are good lights. Depends on what you want to spend.
A portrait usually consists of three lights, but not always. Depends on the style you want to use. You will need lights, umbrellas, light stands, backgrounds, background support systems, light meter, and misc. stuff.

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January 13, 2005


Maynard McKillen
  Dear Wayne:
Charlie's right. There are many good brands. Consider this: if your budget is modest, you can start with just one studio strobe. It will be your key light. Since you'll probably place it to one side of your camera, you'll often see that light from this strobe will cast shadows on the opposite side of the subject's face. (I assumed you were photographing people.) Instead of using another strobe to fill in those shadows, you could use a large reflector. Westcott, Larson and other companies make them. You can vary the amount of "fill" light by moving the reflector closer to or farther from the subject. In fact, it may be wiser in the long run to start with one good, powerful studio strobe, and become adept at using it with one of more reflectors, than to buy an inexpensive kit with three low-power lights.

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January 18, 2005

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