BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Scanning Photos and the Digital Darkroom

Photography Question 

Jay Linski

Saving Negatives to CD.

Recently I have been having my 35mm negatives processed, and then I scan and transfer them to CDs after some Photoshop work. This is rather inexpensive, but time-consuming.
My question is this: If the lab puts the negative directly on CD for me, is the resolution satisfactory to enlarge, and manipulate in Photoshop and resave to another disk or file?
My prints are generally no larger than 8X10, but sometimes I do high-res. scans so I can enlarge areas of a photo and crop them without loosing to much clarity. Thanks for any input!

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December 08, 2004



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December 08, 2004


Jon Close
  "My question is this: If the lab puts the negative directly on CD for me, is the resolution satisfactory to enlarge, and manipulate in Photoshop and resave to another disk or file?"

Maybe. Depends on your final use (email, Web, newsletter, print 4x6 or 8x12, etc.), and the level of the scan done by the lab. Many labs do low-res scans (about 50kb .jpg files) that are not suitable for other than emailing. Higher-res scans may be available as an extra cost optional service.

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December 08, 2004


Jay Linski
  I will check with my pro lab to see what resolution they would use.
I will be using the photos for Web viewing,(lower res.), but need them for quality, if printed, (higher resolution) after they have been through Photoshop.

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December 09, 2004


Ken Henry
  24K jpeg - General emailing & website posting.
98K jpeg - excellent quality for emailing & websites.
1.6M jpeg - premium quality for 4x6" and 5x7" prints from home photo printers.
6M jpeg - 8x10" pro quality digital prints.

Scans to a CD are only $3.00 per frame(neg or slide) and you get all the above plus a presenter program from
in Long Beach, CA.

For eye-poping scans I get minimum 18M @ 300dpi available TIFF only, still for only $3.00 per frame. And you can go higher megs for additional costs of course.

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December 26, 2004

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