BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Understanding Self Portraits

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member


I am interested in doing self-portraits of myself. What is the best way of doing this when on my own? Any tips would be useful.

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November 03, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  What do you like to do? And for what activity are you most known?
These qualities or activities should be portrayed in any portrait of yourself to make it a little more interesting to the viewer. If you are a gardener ... a shot of you watering a rose bush, or standing proudly behind a table full of healthy-looking fruits or vegetables would convey that fact.
As a photographer ... you can take a photo of yourself, shooting something else. This is easy to do if you have access to two cameras (even if the "prop" camera you are holding doesn't work).
The possibilities are limited only by your imagination. For best results when operating a camera by remote, or with the self-timer, use a manual exposure setting and focus manually on where you will later be standing.

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November 03, 2004


Scott Pedersen
  Heres an idea, if you have a larger mirror place it behind the camera so you can get an idea of how your posing. Make sure your remote is out of view of the lens.

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November 09, 2004

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