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Lower Antelope Canyon, Page, Arizona

Jim Zuckerman


BetterPhoto Member

I have been somewhat obsessed with caves and caverns. I've never taken my own photos, perhaps because the only way I have gotten to see great caves are on tours. I haven't been able to take my time with one image, as there are always another group of visitors coming up from behind.
I love your AZ Cavern photo, and have looked at some of your others, which are truly incredibly beautiful. Have you used any enhancements on your photos, ie: PS or PSP?
I live on the east coast, where there are some exciting caverns, and I would love to try and capture the beauty that I see which is buried far below our feet. Interesting how a lot of these caves and caverns were found....mostly years ago, someone would hear a whistling sound from a hole in the earth.It was brave of the first folks who went down into the caves with only the most meager of supplies. I can only imagine the excitement an explorer would feel when they saw the enormous "rooms" of the caverns, or tried to measure the length of them; some as yet unmeasurable. Thankfully, the caves and caverns of the NE USA have been protected, which unfortunately hasn't been the case with much of the beauty that was once here.
Your photos are truly astounding! I know nothing about the Canyons in AZ, but would like to learn more about them. The colors are very different from those in the NE, where we have dripping Stalagtites and incredible formations like "curtains." I have read about caverns in Peru and other parts of the world and wonder how they differ from those in the U.S. Someone from England told me that they have caverns in the northern part of the UK.
At any rate, thank you for sharing your photos. They are truly awesome!!!

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October 03, 2007

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